Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Exploring the Invisible
You need some Original Music for your film, video game, marketing campaign? Perhaps some Sound Design to add ambience to your project. Maybe you'd like some voice talent for your characters, or a narrator for your documentary? I can do all three: - You want Music? Done - You want Sound? It's yours. - You want an animated Voice? Say no more!
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More providers:
Recording, Production, Art Work, Video, Photo.
A competent and hardworking Artist who is able to come up with a range of original ideas and fascinations through various artistic mediums.
Mixing Mastering
Spare Time's cohesive team of taste makers have one goal - to make your beats slap harder and groove smoother. Check us out on sparetimecollective.com And see our mixes and masters here: soundcloud.com/sparetimeau/sets/mixed-by-alex-prenzler/s-wmnkO7UrDv0 and https://soundcloud.com/sparetimeau/sets/mastered-by-spare-time/s-6lFsipj1Rrn
CYCLE is a sound design and music production company based in Zagreb, Croatia. Launched and under the creative direction of Jan Kincl, Cycle operates as a music production studio, sonic branding agency and audio restoration specialist. We are a collective of producers, engineers, composers, and musicians walking a thin line between art and science.
I can compose and record professional violin part for your project
Reggaeton and trap music producer with an ear that finds the perfect blend of sound and aggression. I love experimenting with new sounds and blend styles together. If blending styles together to create new vibes and have a strong creative vision then I'm your guy.
Hemos llevado nuestra música a escenarios de todo el mundo. Desde conciertos íntimos en clubes hasta presentaciones en grandes festivales, hemos compartido nuestra pasión con audiencias de diferentes culturas y rincones del planeta.
Recent Successes
"Wow... We gave Simms a couple of really tricky songs to do for the vocals, really unorthodox in timing, melodic execution and delivery....... But NOTHING seems impossible for Simms ! In fact, he just nailed both ..."
"Bryan is the real deal! Professional, Easy to work with, a great Communicator, and an impressive Banjoist. He was able to give my song more character and the exact feel I described to him. He gets it, I will 100% be w..."
"GËKKØ... prolific, professional, amazing, AMAZING! work... the quality is impeccable. The expediency is incredible. And the final product is always of the utmost quality."
"Working with Chris has been absolutely great. Chris' extensive experience shines brightly in his mixes. This is in large part due to his open communication and asking the right questions in order to understand how t..."
"Willis is AMAZING!!! He went above and beyond for my song and turned a small idea I had into a radio-ready pop song. He's extremely talented and has very fast turn arounds. Will definitely be back again and highly rec..."
"total pleasure to work with Max. good communication, super quick turnaround, beautifully recorded, great playing and he gave me plenty of options to make sure I have everything I need. recommended !"
"Phenomenal to work with. Added a professional quality to the song that was previously missing and I couldn’t be more appreciative of that. Would highly recommend."
"Timely response with on-the-mark parts for a song with lots of key changes. Great job."
"good job thanks"