Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Evan Moxie Kitchener
John Scovell is here to care for and nurture your music. He shall grow a tree of sound to give shade and rest for your weary head.
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2x Grammy winning Multi- Gold and Platinum Engineer. Destiny's Child, Erykah Badu, LLCool J, Kirk Franklin, many more. Over 20yrs experience.
Hello, my name is Shawn Eib, and I am the owner and operator of Sounds Like Audio, LLC, based in New Orleans, La. Originally from Richmond, Va, I got my start at 16 recording local punk bands in my parents spare bedroom, and have been working in the audio field for 16 years now.
Hello. I’m a producer & mixing engineer located in Nashville, TN. I have a passion for great songs and great sounding recordings. Let's hang out.
Here is your song maestro, the one who will make a star out of you. Name the song, I will write the song.
Let's work together on your Rock, Punk and Art Punk, Grunge, Funk and Psychedelic Rock projects!
Just completed a degree in music and covered topics of mastering.
High quality mixing & mastering!
Recent Successes
"Chris, You are a god-send! You knew what I needed before I knew I even needed it. You made my project 100 times better. I will definitely be back. Thank you soooo much!"
"Chloe ,beautiful versatile voice .My project wasnt too easy as I had to redo the topline and she really did a great job re producing it .Chloe's voice is very clear as well and easy to process .I had a deadline and it..."
"Incredible time return. Very easy to communicate with. Highly recommend"
"Not only is Karun a bad ass guitar player, he created a dope melody for my song and gave it the funk and soul I was looking for. I highly recommend!!!"
"Andres is great! I love that he took the time to listen to the mix before taking the job and offered his advice. His mastering arrived on time and sounded perfect!"
"Pablo did a really... really great mix of my rock song. There was a huge gap and improvment between my Garage Band song versus Pablo mix. I recommand him and his nice work. "
"Audiostein has a knack for enhancing and showcasing the most essential piece of each track. He breathes new life into any type of project we bring to him which speaks to his talent but, more importantly, his versatility."
"This was one of the most effortless experiences I've had on here! 5/5 stars hands down."