Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Evan Honer
Everyone loves some sad machine! Unfortunately, sad machine players are hard to come by. With generous experience in live and studio settings, I'd be excited to amend your music, however traditional or contemporary, with pedal steel guitar. Find more of my playing on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok at @thisisbridger
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Hi, I'm Ryan. I am the recording and mixing engineer at Eight-Legged Studios.
Lush Productions / Friendly Collaborator / Art School Brain / Feminist
I Give Music Producers The Ability to Remain Creative, Save Time, and Produce More by Efficiently and Tastefully Mixing & Mastering their Music. For music samples and full info, please VISIT www.juanfrajf.com.
Musician, Producer, Mixer, and Mastering Engineer with a 10+ year experience in various genres. I like to work closely with every artist/producer to help translate their vision into polished, competitive, and radio-ready songs, instead of the "one size fits all" approach. I also have a large experience as a session guitarist and keys player.
Extreme metal expertise, with chart-topping acts and talented underground heroes. Mixing, composition, more.
I am beginner Mixing Engineer, and mostly Metal/Pop-rock-vibe composer. Start this page for personal development and for fun of course :) If you liked my demo, write to me and together we will try to do something interesting.
I make a unique style of urban music from rnb to grime & hip hop.
Droga moviendo hasta en Navidad, Pa pagar el regalo de papá y mamá, Cora y cojones (uh) Dinero a montones, Got demons inside no los puedo callar Quiero desgraciarlo abrirlo en canal! Pulmón encharcado no deja e sangrar… Estas son de mis letras más agresivas, pero se moverme en cualquier estilo
Recent Successes
"As usual Stereo is a BEAST!!! You give him 20 things you need done to your song and he will do 20 plus another 20 more. On our latest project he took the instrumental and took the sound to an entirely different level...."
"3rd time we work together! This was the best of the lot! Must be the corona cause she was locked in! Fire verse fire track. Always seem to come back to her when i need it done right! I’m hooked to her hooks. "
"Brent mixed 6 songs for me . They all exceeding my expectation!!!! He is the best!!"
"Another great track with Zakhar - 10/10!"
"Great master again!"
"Great Sound, great communication! If you give your music in his hands, the music gets power and shine or everything else! Thank you Austin."
"High value, you have the opportunity to learn while Ryan mixes (if you want) Ryan is personable, and an excellent teacher with a wealth of knowledge. Just one session has been enough to elevate my game and uncove..."