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European Union Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Music Mixing for Film, Television, & Games. — Scoring Mixer: Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, Ultraman Rising, Soul of the Ultimate Nation, Super Giant Robot Brothers, Kimana Tuskers, Human Traces, 2009 Lost Memories, Puppet Killer — Supervising Music Editor: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King & The Hobbit Trilogy
Renowned audio engineer and music producer. I've worked for industry giants such as BBC, Sony, and many independent musicians. I run an audio engineering business and sound distribution company. check out my websites www.arkaudio.co.uk www.earjoy.org
Midnight Muse Media offers remote mixing and production services for all levels of audio production. We will help you get your creative vision turned into a completed project that is ready to share with the world.
I compose hard-hitting and smooth instrumentals as well as write and record deeply felt lyrics and melodies. I can make a unique instrumental for singer-songwriters as well as Hip-Hop Artists and as a vocalist, I can bring out the best of any composition.
Professional music producer
Hey I'm Leo XVI | Music Producer who has worked with artists and networks such as Universal Music Group, Tribal Trap, Trap Nation, currently teaching modern music & piano at music conservatory (Lyon, France)
Hitting all the right notes since day one :)
Hi I'm Michael Jordan, a veteran, Nashville native engineer/musician, making you sound more professional than you thought possible. I mix, master, play keys, Sing, and have plenty of musicians of all types around me to track on your, song. We'll make it sound better than you ever thought possible.
Recent Successes
"My project was almost finished but needed something special. So Juan changed not much but what he has changed was exactly what I was looking for! The detail that turned my song on the right track. You get a really g..."
"The work Dave did on my project was great! I look forward to working with him very soon. "
"Another great mastering job done thanks again!"
"Daniel receives my highest recommendation! He is a triple threat (at least) on acoustic, electric, and ghembri, and he has a vast stylistic range and outstanding musicianship. He will enhance any project you have in..."
"Super cooperative and was very efficient in coming up with what I was looking for. Also very flexible and communication was fast and fluent."
"No word, simply wonderful work with Jaky"
"Second time working with Julian - perfect result once again with great quality sound and recording!"