Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ethereal Plane
Akyse is the project of the Argentinean artist Alexander, Producer, DJ, Mixing and Mastering Engineer of electronic music; focused on the Melodic Techno, Techno and Progressive House genres, his works have been played in the biggest festivals such as Tomorrowland, ZAMNA, to name a few.
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Artist | Engineer | Lunatic [Bookings/Inquiries] djkayymusic@gmail.com
Save money by choosing me to sing for your project at an affordable price.
A 100% authentic underground hit maker.
I am Andreas Aspiotis, a.k.a. Northsider and I am a music producer & mixing engineer based in Europe. I specialize in Electronic/Dance, Pop, Pop/Punk & Trap music. My main abilities consist of producing, mixing, vocal-mixing, sound designing & mastering. Can't wait to potentially work together!
I specialize in styles like rock and metal music, which are my personal musical influences.
Best Producer
I’ll play pretty keys on your hip-hop or neo-soul project.
Recent Successes
"my 3rd track with Doug and trust me Doug helped me out alot! I had few issues on this track, where i had few mistakes from my side and this guy always came through and helped me in best way possible.. i honestly appri..."
"Great work again - easy and non complicated! He really knows what he is doing! Thanks!"
"I was looking for a unique sound in the soul genre and Gerard surpassed my imagination with his original production. He was extremely patient with my ideas and suggestions and like the genius that he is, created a ma..."
"Fact Raena is a talented vocalist singer. What impressed as much was her unseen skills My song was a complex piano based project with tight precise words, She made the whole process seem easy, it wasn’t. Her sugge..."
"I asked Aaron to do stem mastering for my EDM/psytrance track and he did a great job, as always he finished the job quickly, and he was always available and prompt in response!"
"delivered timely and his voice fit the project well! I would recommend"
"Did a perfect job and will be reaching out again in the future when we need more mastering services. "