Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Estelle Tebele
I will turn your idea into a finished country song.
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I am a serious song writer, who loves a challenge. I am dedicated to quality. I aim to improve any project I am on. If given a chance I guarantee inovative lyrics and a fresh approach to song writing.
Piss off
Are you looking for great sounding guitar parts on your song? Check my audio samples, youtube channel and contact me! I look forward to work together!
Multiple Stellar Award Winning Dove Nominated Producer and Sesac songwriter with an RIAA Platinum Certification gor sales over 1,000,000 sold
I began rapping, singing and writing songs at the age of 14 and decided to pursue music after I graduated high school at 17. Since starting my musical journey I have put out four projects as well as a number of singles helping me to acquire over a million plays across streaming platforms. I also went on a fan-funded independent tour in 2018.
Hi, I'm Lorenzo Cimino in art just Cimino, I'm a 19 year old Italian boy. I am a singer, songwriter, arranger, producer and I do well in mix & master too. Contact me I'm nice and available for any job.
Looking to build my podcast editing clients! Great rate for new podcasts. Let's connect!
Apasionado por sonar increíble y darle la mejor calidad a mis clientes!
Recent Successes
"excellent, professionalism, very communicative. smart engineer he knows what he is doing."
"Second time working with John. Great experience! Great player. Gave me more options than I needed. 5 stars! Excited to do more!"
"Scott continues giveing me beautiful , full vocals ,multi Pro tracks through out my whole song . Just hope you'll be there for the next song . Thank you !! Wilbur"
"Absolutely talented and professional! Alanna understands my project so well and delivered high-quality work within my tight timeframe. Also she is very kind and easy to communicate with. It's such a pleasure to wo..."
"Kenny is so good with his lyrics. Love working with him."
"Simply brilliant! A fantastic experience working with Trey. So much to learn from him, love it. Thanks Trey !!"
"Chris is always a pleasure to work with and he delivers a top notch product every time! I highly recommend Chris and I look forward to working with him again soon!! "
"Did exactly what I needed down to the T Highly recommended "
"I'm a repeat client for Elias and his work is ALWAYS phenomenal! Guitars, bass, vocals, drums - anything you need tightened up, Elias will deliver!"