Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Essential Logic
Hello, I'm Natalia, audio engineer, music producer and arranger composer. I'm a Grammy-award-winning professional with many years of experience working in the industry. I'm passionate about sound and music and I am here to deliver a great sounding final product that realises your creative musical view and brings your art to life.
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7years of experienced in audio visual field and Digital Audio Workstations 5 years of experienced in Mixing and mastering music with 3rd party plugins(waves,fabfilter,softube,izotope) and analog consoles (shadow hills mastering compressor) Experienced in recording,designing and editing sound Deep knowledge of sound reinforcement,mixing and mas
If you're looking for an accomplished bilingual music/vocal producer, session singer and grammy nominated mixer/engineer, you're in luck! My production, engineering and magical editing can also be heard on countless Billboard #1 hits, including Fox's "Glee", the 2013 Grammy nominated "Rock of Ages" soundtrack, and many other major productions.
I love music more than most! I got a record deal back in the day as my artist name, Goldo and played shows with Smashmouth, Sugar Fay, Fiona Apple... My music has been placed in a myriad of shows and films, and was I the first composer on the MTV show, "Jackass". My studio is state of the art and I work remotely. I'm expert at Ableton Live.
Hola!! soy Matías Precio, produzco música urbana, acústicos, pop y lo-fi entre otros. Si quiere que tu canción se convierta en lo que soñás... contactame.
Hello! I'm here here to "GET IT DRUM"! My idea is to work with you to make your music fly as you imagine. I'm a drummer and percussionist. I deliver the grooves and textures you want. But if you don't know exactly what could work for your music I can help you out. -Drum Set -Bombo legüero -Cajón -Shakers -Kalimba -Bendir -Ocean drum -MORE!
We are a production house run by 3 engineers each with over 4 years of experience in the music industry. We have what it takes to get your music to the next level. With our Custom Built Home Studio and Knowledge from the past years, we got you covered from Mixing, Mastering, Production, Lyric Writing Etc. Let's work and make some music magic!
Auto-Tune is great, but it doesn't sound Natural, which is suitable for some genres and unacceptable for others. For undetectable tuning - you need an expert. Someone with perfect-pitch and the technical skills to manually adjust a recording so the performance sounds flawless, yet natural - human.
Recent Successes
"I selected Fred to work with on the production of a new dance track. His communication was great and he was very focused from the start to make it a great sounding track. I really valued his ideas and skills throughou..."
"I've worked with Niamh several times before, and will continue to work with her. She was quick to get tracks back to me, and has really locked in on the style I love. Very easy to work with."
"Pablo is a great drummer and easy to work with! The communication is always there and it he really knows how to fit the groove of the song. Can't recommend enough!"
"Undeniable talent is what we have here in Serouj. Incredible creative singing , growling, rough and raw songwriting, what ever it is you need you will get. Waste no time in brining your music up to the next level, ..."
"Second time working with Bailey, and she nailed the project again! Very easy to work with and knows exactly how to deliver the right vocals! "
"As always, Rudiger nailed it! He always brings cool ideas to the table and is a dedicated professional- He definitely knows what he's doing! Can't wait to start working on the next one."
"Lino goes above and beyond. You can tell he truly cares deeply about the music and is super dedicated to his craft. He always comes up with great mixes for us that put our songs in the best light, but is also very wil..."
"Again, very nice done with U2 vibes! I'm super excited, I would work with Adam a billion times! Really really amazing."
"It was great to meet and work with Dylan. He understood what I was going for and delivered the goods. Would hire again! Thank you Dylan!"