Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Erika Rein
My songs are daily rotating in radio playlists all over Slovakia & Czech Republic / "BEST SONG" at CARPATHIA FESTIVAL (PL) 2015 / 1st prize at song contest "KOŠICKÝ ZLATÝ POKLAD" with song ZAMILOVANÁ by Slávka Tkáčová / 2nd prize at song contest "KOŠICKÝ ZLATÝ POKLAD" with song VODOPÁD by Bara Repková /
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Hi, I'm Arturo. I'm a producer, mixing engineer, and songwriter.
Bump just sounds better...
I am a 15+ year veteran in the studio with experience working alongside industry professionals and artists at the highest levels. I am offering my mixing and mastering services at special discounted rates exclusively here on SoundBetter.
One of the TOP male singers and writers in my city! Anything you need to get done vocally, on the piano, or behind the scenes work, I got you!
I mix and master records. I aim for clarity in every project but I understand creativity can also benefit the delivery experience listeners will have.
I am a musician, songwriter and pianist with a BA from the University of Oxford. I have written several albums, screenplays for short films, and two volumes of poetry.
I am self--motivated individual - who self taught the ins-and-outs of different aspects of music. I have produced over 100 tracks of my own, starting with composing (melody and percussion), arranging, recording, and generating the final mix. My main forte is world music and percussion.
Composer / beatmaker with a unique experimental aesthetic specializing in video games (RPG, Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Story-rich) and film.
Recent Successes
"Daddou is very professional singer, and so unique! She is so easy to work with! I'm looking forward the next project with her!"
"5 stars again Another great experience. "
"Troy is an absolute wizard. Very musical and can do the "meat and potatoes" and all the candy as well - first time working together and not a single note needed - sent the tracks and perfect in first pass. Fantastic! "
"Robert always has the solutions and creative excellence to make every one of my projects that I can be proud of. He manages everything freeing me up to do other aspects of what we do. I am blessed to have him as a pro..."
"The best as always"
"Abbie alway delivers! Second contemporary jazz song of mine completed, mixing now. I know she can do pop, contemp. Christian...lovely to work with, and I can be particular!"
"It was a pleasure to have worked with Kevin again. I'm really happy with the final product. Great production that has refined my sound, and rounded up the weaker points very nicely."
"Amazing! Very talented! She did a lot more than I asked for! Hope we can work together again soon. "