Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Equip
Reggae Music composer,
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ToneDeaf Studio is a recording | mixing studio run by Producer / Engineer Nikolas Prokopiou. It offers a beautiful Audient ASP 8024 Console, along with one of the best equipped and highly regarded recording spaces in Cyprus.
Professional producer & mixing engineer with years of experience of both making and mixing music. Musician and multi-instrumentalist. Top of the line mixing studio. Analogue and digital equipment.
Let us mix, master and shine your next single or full album project.
I've taken a handful of voice lessons many years ago. I know my voice is good if I just get practice enough. I'm a solid Mezzo soprano and I'd love to record vocal samples for you on my high quality equipment for a very low price.
Classically trained/freelancing Oboe player. I can provide the best Oboe sound that you are looking for. I can play Oboe and English horn. As a non multi-instrumentalist, I strive, and take pride in my work with the best quality. Professional recording equipment are available for remote recording as well.
A powerhouse singer/songwriter from Australia, giving new talent and fresh lyrics within the music industry. With over 5 years of making music and performing I can help assist turn your project into lyrical perfection or help assist with getting those feminine vocals on your tracks!
9/2/21 Im a student at musicians institute studying for my associates degree in studio recording week 9 of 11 semester 4 of 6. Im looking to begin developing my portfolio.
Permasonic Records is a boutique music production and recording studio serving the freshest talent out of Brooklyn and beyond. Our talented and experienced producers and engineers have worked with the likes of Skizzy Mars, Trapo, Saba, Danny Singh, Lucien Parker, Sosa Geek, Felly, Chaz French, Mikey Polo and many more.
Recent Successes
"Amazing job! The quality sounds great, and he corrected the minor issue I had and made it even better. Completely satisfied and grateful for the great service from Andres and his team. I look forward to working with t..."
"This is my second project with Brian. As with the previous project, Brian is the consummate professional. His turn around was consistent with his promise-by date, his work was flawless, he completed several revisions ..."
"Ethan brings emotion into the songs, doing some add libs here and there, that give the song a personality that is reflective of the music and enhances it that much more! Fun to work with"
"Natalie is amazing. Quick turn around, did exactly what I was hoping for (and then some) and picked up the vibe of the piece easily. Highly recommend!"
"I asked Eyal to play flute on three songs. On all three, besides excellent articulation and intonation, Eyal captured the essence and mood of the songs. A pleasure to work with! "
"Ben was an absolute pleasure to work with! Fantastic communication and super quick turnaround! More importantly, he is incredibly patient, knowledgeable, and professional. 5 stars! He also came up with so many great i..."