Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Emelie Ehnberg
Mixing Turnaround 72h | Mastering Turnaround 24h | Human Audio Engineer Included
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Recording Studio located in South of Tenerife.
I am a Vocalist. I specialize in Contemporary RnB, HipHop and Trap Vocals.
I'm The Online Session Guitarist. I've recorded 1000's of tracks remotely for 100's of artists, producers and composers across the world. I will record any guitars you need for your project in keeping with the vision you have. I'll make the whole process quick and easy for you.
I'll give your mix the love, care and time it deserves.
Hello, I'm Calib Bruce and I'm a session drummer, percussionist based in southern New Mexico. My goal is to create the best drum part for your song. One with soul and character, that is exactly what your track needs.
I released my music after spending a few years writing and recording and selecting the 5 best for my debut EP... 100,000 streams later, here I am, ready to work.
I specialize in R&B, Hip-hop, Gospel, Funk, Soul, and Jazz - and have worked with artists such as Case Arnold, Bryant Taylorr, Khrys Hatch, A.B. Eastwood, Tim Gent, Lauren McClinton, and many more in the Nashville area. Recently, a docu-short that I recorded on for the TN Titans about Jefferson Street won an Emmy. I would love to work with you!
My fingers will nail it!!!
Recent Successes
"Another master that Tom completely nailed!"
"Considering this was the first time I have used Sound Better, I was unsure as to what to expect. Riley's work is exceptional, Riley is extremely talented and I highly recommend using him to deliver your next masterpie..."
"Very professional! I was amazed at the versatility to write a verse over a rough amateur track. I would definitely recommend him!"
"Guys...this is my fifth round of songs with Nik playing drums. The quality of his stems are primo. He's a very intuitive and articulate drummer, who can groove and throw in double kick when needed. Also, I had some..."
"Enjoyed working with Ryan! Very professional, very fast turnaround, and he nailed the vision perfectly. Will be working with him again"
"Lino paid close attention to detail and gave me a sonically solid mix with a quick turnaround ."
"Awesome result. Cole understood what I wanted. I'll come back to Cole in the future. "
"Man this guy is great. I gave Alex 4 songs and he turned them around in in just a few days, 12 microphones on the kit. Excellent work on all 4. I didn't have a click track and he stayed right with the rhythm. I highly..."
"Fantastic producer on the cutting edge of technology to help make your song even better than you have in your head!"