Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eluphant
Hi, I'm 'RUDALS'. I'm a Musician/Producer/Mixing & Mastering Engineer Based in South Korea and also a recording artist signed to BRANDNEW MUSIC. I graduated from Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, majoring in Audio Production & Engineering. I've been making music professionally for over 10 years and I'm looking forward to working with new people!
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If you’re looking for a dedicated producer/ audio engineer who is willing to work with any and everyone I am your guy. During my music career I’ve had placements with Asian Doll, Big Flock, and a couple of other people in the music industry.
I am available to flip, remix, re-write your track from scratch in 3-4 days max and the best quality. All radio ready.
Melodic progressions, driving grooves and hypnotic rhythms, Daijan takes all the elements of the melodic house, techno and progressive world to evoke energy and emotion through his music.
Godrej New Plotted Project in Pune
Discreet sound engineer trying to open up to the world
Hi, I'm 'RUDALS'. I'm a Musician/Producer/Mixing & Mastering Engineer Based in South Korea and also a recording artist signed to BRANDNEW MUSIC. I graduated from Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts, majoring in Audio Production & Engineering. I've been making music professionally for over 10 years and I'm looking forward to working with new people!
Guitarist and Songwriter, with touring experience in Europe and playing major UK festivals. I've played on and written over a dozen tracks that have been featured on BBC 6 Music, Radio X and KEXP.
I have a passion for mixing great music, especially folk, acoustic, electronica and have worked on a wide range of productions with incredible and varied artists.
Recent Successes
"I'm sorry to say , I just didn't like what Rusian did......I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!! Another brilliant job! Many virtuso pianists I have worked with tend to overplay, but not Rusian. Rusian knows when to hold um and when t..."
"Direckt did an amazing job with mixing/mastering. Very creative and fast mixer! Brought exactly the feel that I was looking for to my song. AWESOME DUDE!"
"Justin took my simply recorded song and turned it into a release-ready professional recording that completely upholds the integrity of the song. He asked questions about my goals for the song, inspiration, what the so..."
"This is the second song that I’ve worked with Simon on, and he did an incredible job as usual! He is an extremely talented producer and overall great guy! I look forward to working with him again on future projects. "
"Brian is the first mixer I've ever worked with and having just finished an album with him, it's hard to think of a reason for him to not be the only mixer I work with. He's great. Professional, endlessly patient, will..."
"Jesse did an outstanding job on the basslines for my track. He brought incredible depth andtexture. With a variety of takes to choose from. With creative basslines too. Very quick delivery!"