Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Elias Vulpes
Elevate Your Sound to Perfection with Professional Mixing and Mastering. Are you an aspiring musician, a content creator, or a business in need of top-tier audio quality for your projects? Look no further! What I Offer: Impeccable Mixing, Masterful Mastering, Tailored Sound, Professional Quality. Let's take your audio to the next level.
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Create your space with fine craftsmanship tailored specifically for your working sound.
Need high energy vocals, poetic songwriting or creative production? You've come to the right place.
I am an experienced mix engineer and recording engineer with a strong background in rock, metal, and pop rock music, as well as a range of other live music styles. My skills also extend to mixing live performances, concerts, and radio shows.
I am capable of performing bass, baritone, tenor, and falsetto range should it be required in your project; be-it lead or background vocals. I was managed by one of the pioneers of the legendary O'Jays. I specialize in r&b (old School), soul gospel, soul, motown, and blues.
I am really interested in writing music I would like to share this with others and i enjoy lyric writing. I play piano violin ukulele and a small bit on guitar i am also a vocalist. I want to offer these to others and maybe create something really cool !
True to the Clients vision, professional and fast delivery. With broad experience working with Music, Games, TV Shows and Movies. I will help you make your vision come to life
Award-winning Drummer, tracking drums and percussion with professional quality for multiple genres of music at Siete Barbas studio in Barcelona, Spain. Currently the drummer for Doom Metal band Ikarie and Math Rock band Flames of Foe.
Recent Successes
"Great guy very talented player. Flexible and easy to work with. "
"Fred is professional, quick to respond to any messages and I was very happy with the master he sent me. Highly recommend. "
"By far the best experience I have had on SoundBetter. Really easy to work with, knew exactly what I wanted and got it done very quickly. Hope to work together again soon"
"I was actually surprised to see someone of David's stature on this site. I almost didn't contact him because I wasn't sure if my stuff was good enough. Well I am really glad I did because he gave me some great advise...."
"Had so much fun with the guitar Ziv sent me this morning, I had to have him come back and record bass for the same track later tonight! Perfectly groovy and spot on. Thanks again brotha"
"Great job with a swift turnaround time! Highly recommended! "
"Perfect guitar player! I would hire him for any project. Very kind to provide a free revision as well. "
"Ivy just kicks ass in every way! We feel very luck we have access to this level of talent. Killer singer, fast turnaround, and an all around great person. So glad we're making an album together! "
"Victoria Grant 와 작업은 너무 좋았어요!! 어려 수정사항과 추가 사항이 있었는데 불편함 느끼지 않고 잘 해주셨고 일단 노래를 너무 잘하고 목소리가 좋으니까 결과물도 너무 만족스러웠습니다 다음번에 기회가 된다면 또 작업 하고 싶어요!"