Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eiou - Dkal
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Hello, My name is Mario, I'm an audio engineer from Michigan and owner of Sound Raves Studio. I record, mix, master, produce, and write music in metal and rock n' roll genres. I've had tv spots on UFC and UFC Now with clips I write for TV reels, and have also worked with numerous artists in the local area.
We Mix and Master. Book your session www.djandmc.de
From budget studios to million dollar spaces, I've studied under music producers from coast to coast here in the US. Whether you're looking to simply punch up your track, or make a whole track from scratch, I'm happy to help! Drop a line and let's get a song going :)
Making music in sunny Brighton UK- my job is all about interpreting and serving your vision; whether that be channelling the emotion of the song through tracking guitars/bass/synths all the way to the complex precision of mixing and mastering. For whichever part of the process you need my help with I know we can take your music from good to AWESOME
With credits like Solange, Gordon Chambers, Kranium, and Lonnie Bands, my work has amassed millions of streams across platforms. I've worked on tens of thousands of songs for artists of all genres, and I am a truly professional and exceptional mix engineer that will fit your budget. I specialize in all types of Hip-Hop and R&B.
From Grammy-award-winning producers to Oscar-award-winning songwriters, I have worked with the best of the best. I am here to provide my years of training, experience, and expertise to your latest project.
Recent Successes
"Incredibly talented and helpful! The track sounds exactly how I pictured! I'm so glad to have worked with with him!"
"First time working with Merty and he really impressed me with his skills and approach to the task! He stayed 100% in contact with instant updates from the studio, completed the whole project in very quick time and del..."
"Kai is a very reliable, talented and fast Mixing Engineer! He works with appropriate focus on your project, is dedicated to your need and It's a pleasure to work with him! I'll come back for some other projects!"
"Killian is an unbelievable producer having this been my first time producing anything I am so so happy with my first song completed and would love to work on more with him in the future "
"Excellent as always. Benjamin get everything spot on just as I was after. Lovely clear recording, a nice groove, super quick, and good communications. One of favourite musicians on Soundbetter!! Thanks very much!"
"Very flexible with input, and was very open to ideas. Definitely working with Paul again to bring my musical vision to life! "
"Christian was responsive and professional throughout and gave a great performance with very good recording quality. Highly recommended!"
"Rob is truly exceptional! His professionalism and knowledge are unmatched. He takes the time to explains the process in a way that’s both helpful and educational. Rob is always ready to answer questions, and go the ex..."