Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eighty8
Experienced Audio Engineer with a mission to deliver industry-quality, professional mixes and masters to the masses. Freelancer that works with both labels and independent artists. Get the industry sound you need to take your craft to the next level.
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Augio engineer with 5 years of experience and credits on a grammy award-winning project! Learned and worked under professionals and I get better with every mix!
I am a singer/songwriter with features in Billboard, PAPER mag, and Huffington post to name a few. Check out my single, 'Faces': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViuZGgR1M-M
Music Production, Sound Design and Film Scoring
With over 20 years in the business, I’ve done it all. I’ve worked with the best of the best and have assisted in building the sound, brand and image of some of your favorite A-List artists known today. I am able to sing all genres and specialize in Vocal styling. I’ve been waiting for your call....let’s get to work. Gospel, R&B, Jazz, Pop, Rock..
I'm an educator in Massachusetts who tries to make music.
I'm a recording/mixing engineer and session guitarist who is interested in working on any project in need of some love. My focus is in the rock/guitar oriented realm and I have experience working with electronic and ambient music as well.
Rock music producer and lead guitarist
Recent Successes
"The musician, vocalist and human being Alex is in today's society is a rarity. The last few years as a song writer I've seen a lot, especially the ugly side of our profession and it's refreshing working with a stand u..."
"Great job I love the way Dexy masterd My Song "
"Linda has a really fresh vibe on rap parts with lots of attitude just as I wanted! And she is awesome on the singing parts too - high energy! She’s a pro artist! And great to work with."
"Hired to do a jazz composition. There was a piano sheet and wanted to add some brass to support it. I have to say i am very satisfied with the final result and would recommend the composer if you want to do a jazz com..."
"Yoed always hits it out of the park on the first try with my stuff. Professional, emotive in his performance, and intuitive AF, he’s your guy for all things cello!"
"I recently had the pleasure of working with Chase on a songwriting project. Throughout the writing process, Chase was a true professional, musically creative and responsive in his communication. Chase is truly creativ..."
"Another brilliant project with my go-to female vocalist Holly. Great voice, always professional and a pleasure to work with. I cannot recommend her enough."
"Can't ever go wrong can't tell you how many projects we have just because no one has both the talent and raw skill and insane vocals as Courtney. Give her flowers already "