Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with EHRocks
Multi Platinum and Gold awards for Audio Mixing/Mastering, over 30 years experience, I specialize in Rock, Metal, Goth/Alternate styles of music, contact me for reviews, show reels. I am also equally provicient in many different styles of music jazz, world, reggae, gospel traditional, country, electronica, trance, techno, Amapiano, trap and more..
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Hi , i am an engineer from Montreal. Looking forward on working with you.
We are CandyApple Rehearsal Studios. With the largest, fully equipped rehearsal room in the Central Valley. Our band practice rooms can be rented monthly or by the hour and come equipped with PA, 3 mics, cables, monitors and a mix desk. The main room is lighted, air conditioned, and treated for live sound. Plenty of room for large bands.
I have over 15 year experience in music production in a variety of style of music but i specialise in electronic music. I have been involved in well over 100 releases with some of the biggest dance labels in the world including Armada, Black Hole Recordings, Spinnin & Anjunadeep. Music streams on youtube alone is in the millions on productions i ha
Hi! I'm Emily. A songwriter, singer and top liner from Chicago. Currently based in Los Angeles.
We are a recording studios of music founded on Barcelona in 2000 by Jens Neumaier and Maik Alemany, and we work to create, produce, record and publish music to measure and music for pleasure.
Grammy Winner, World class mix engineer. Two decades in the music Industry. Worked with artists all around the globe. Studio owner with high technology. Personalized attention. Working with 'A-List' music artists and film productions for many years.
I am a pianist and I specialize in rock, pop, and classical music. I have played in different groups in Argentina and at this moment I am working in the city of Barcelona as a teacher and arranger. I also work as a music producer and composer.
Recent Successes
"Superb work as usual. Looking forward to keep working with Eileen."
"Mike produced my song "Routine". He played all the instruments except saxophone, mixed and mastered. For the sax he found an excellent musician Hugo Lee amongst his friends and I'm very grateful for that. The whole..."
"I love what Molly added to my song. She knew exactly what I was needing and delivered, with hardly any instructions from me! She's a total pro and I will work with her again!"
"Always a pleasure working with Vic. Amazing ears and really understands how to lift a project to the next level."
"I can highly recommend working with Anu - she really wrapped her head around our pretty leftfield, exotica song, and Anu put the most glittering soul mojo into it,you can imagine 😊🤗"
"This was my first time working with Gabriele and I'm very pleased. He is professional, creative, fast, and excellent at his craft. I look forward to working with him again. "
"Dude can just read my mind on what the song needs and what best serves the storyline and feel of a tune. 11/10!"
"Ashley is an incredibly talented singer and songwriter and it was an absolute privilege working with her. She composed outstanding lyrics and vocals that worked so perfectly with the project. An absolute professiona..."