Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Edward Ramirez
Over 6 hours of music recording, (Bass, Percussion, Vocals and Production), with versatility, experience and a lot of creativity, i can bring quality and a unique touch to your music. Keep in touch, let's get to work!
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Over 20 years experience as a Studio and Live Sound Engineer. Styles ranging from Classical, Blues, Rock, Folk and Prog...Voice Over, Sound FX, Foley...Location Recording for Film, ADR and Post Mixing. Full services available from Recording right to Mastering.
My name is Boris Zaborski, and I'm a music producer and sound designer from Belgrade. I have a M.A. in music production and sound design and I'm an owner of the SENSES audio production studio. https://www.facebook.com/sensesaudioproduction
I will produce a good quality Pop Song for you.
A groove is a terrible thing to waste
I'm a young audio student. I want to get better, and help you sound better. Toss me a couple bucks, and I'll give you a solid mix with punch and clarity. Looking for live sound? I'm a FOH engineer for a premier event band.
I consider myself a person who loves parties and all the events in which we can enjoy with our friends. That is why we have created an excellent place to go when we want to know the exact dates of all the carnivals in the world.
35 years working in dance music genre writing, arranging and producing. Around 840 songs written mainly for Japanese market and also in some European and American countries. From 2013 to 2015 I had a little American pop music oriented parenthesis and in 2016 I went back to my original genre to write and deal with the music for my fans again.
Crystal clear, aggressive metal production, mixing and songwriting.
Recent Successes
"Great working with! I recommend her! :)"
"Andrew recorded a number of different string parts for me and was nothing but friendly, professional and helpful throughout. He was very patient with me when I was pondering any potential amendments (in the end there ..."
"Ivan is a world class audio editor and vocal tuner! Fantastic guy to deal with! I can't recommend him enough!"
"Always comes through for me with fast and reliable service. Always goes above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. Thank you!"
"Ryan recorded some horns for the outro of a track. He gave me exactly what I asked for, plus an alternative version of his own that sounded even better than the idea I asked him to record. He was very quick and respon..."
"This is my second time working with Julian and it was just as effortless and amazing working with him as the first time. He continues to produce amazing guitars and will be my go to guy for whenever I need guitars!"
"She's unique."
"I have enjoyed my experience getting my new album mastered with Andres. I wanted the analog sound and he delivered on that Big time. However, the thing that took it to another level was Andres mix coaching. Andres sho..."
"This guy knows exactly what he's doing, he delivered my track master within 2 days and I have to say it sounds so good, he's sorted out all the problems and it sounds like a top notch pro master, he's so good. "
"A pleasure to work with, super lyric writer with a deep understanding of songwriting craft "