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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with EduuR10
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I work with many artists of many different genres, helping to write and produce their visions - as well as serving as a mixing engineer. As a producer and engineer, I've worked with Forest Blakk, Backstreet Boys, Third Eye Blind, Sleeping Wolf, Kailee Morgue, Shy Girls, Bay Ledges, and many more.
HI. I am a certified pianist and a music composer. My forte is film scoring, sound design, and a voice over artist
I specialize in writing & singing fresh, hooky pop top-lines. I would love to help bring your vision to life and look forward to hearing from you. :)
Professional trombonist & low brass specialist with a large studio, capable of recording remote sessions, composing & arranging horn lines, booking additional musicians and mixing.
Professional singer - songwriter. Mastering as a Professional Singer at Berklee’s Global Network and at Otro Mundo (Cris Morena’s Academy), in Buenos Aires. I worked for +100 artists all around the world. I can't wait to make music with you!
Italian electronic musician, producer and sound designer for two decades. My mantra: "Making music from the heart with love" Having lived directly the gold 90's dance music period, my roots and style are oriented to that electronic music keeping with an eye towards the future.
✪ Produces high grade, professional, industry-ready, up tempo music, including Electronic Dance Music (EDM), Indie, Alternative, Easy Listening, Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, Trap as well as music with a twist that spans multiple genres at once.
I specialize in rap music production and mixing, creating unique and professional beats to help your music stand out and leave a lasting impression.
Recent Successes
"The Crushboys are Totally and Always Awesome creative work... Total Pro's...."
"Made my pop beats into some pop hits!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you mr. Shango!! Good luck on your Asia tour! <3 :)"
"I was looking for mastering a jazz/classical/world duo album of violin & piano. After considering looking at many options, Joao was the right choice. He's a truly skilled professional that will deliver the final touch..."
"Amazing job and phenomenal mastering! Super fast turn around and he really took this song to the next level! Really exceeded my expectations! I don't know what he did but it sounds like magic.Before, I was scared to p..."
"The 4th and final track is complete for this job with Ryan, and I gotta say I’m sad that I’m gonna have to wait until the next record to work with him again. Getting those email notifications that he had sent me somet..."
"Fierce, confident and emotional vocals from Taylor! She sounds amazing!! So nice and easy to work with...quick turnaround! My cowriter and I love her performance! Thanks so much Taylor!! ❤"
"Will was an absolute beaut of a find. He took my new single to the next level - so much care and thought went in to all of the vocals; what a legend he is. This will be the first of many! Cheers bro!"
"Leandro is a true professional. He gave my wife and I exactly the quality sound and production we were looking for. He is great to work with and his turnaround and response times was exceptional. What we loved is his ..."