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Edgewater Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a music producer and film sound designer known for my hard-hitting style and compelling storytelling. Recent music production credits include Battle Beast "No More Hollywood Endings" (#1 at the Finnish charts) and my film sound credits include work on some of the biggest Finnish feature film and television production in recent yeas.
I am a bilingual (EN/ESP) singer and currently studying music production. I have been also academically trained on vocal and perfect pitch with a 4+ octave singing range. My experience with many different genre within vocal performance gives me an extensive yet precise ability to provide my clients what they ask for and need. I read sheet-music.
Vocalist and multi-instrumentalist specializing in retro-style production/mixing of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. Familiar and experienced with the recording techniques, microphone techniques, mixing techniques and overall gear limitations of the decades listed above.
16 year old Artist, Engineer and Producer, who is available for work at anytime. Extremely dedicated.
I will make your songs sound worlds better than before! I can also track guitars and drums for you. I have access to over 200 amps and cabs and some of the best drum sample libraries out there.
5+ years experience in mixing, mastering and composition. I am studying a level 3 diploma in studio production, live sound and music creation and I have top marks. I'd love to take this further and work with passionate artists and bands. Free mixing and mastering (1-6 songs) for the first 5 people to endorse me! (0/5)
Sonic Alchemist - Award Winning Mixing Engineer.
Recent Successes
"Maria is truly gifted and knows how to interpret a song and arrange strings to fit the mood. She did a spectacular job on my song; and also provided high quality WAV files from two separate mics (a close mic and room ..."
"Eileen is just great! Every song she delivers is superb by all measures — writing the instrumental & melody, performing the vocals and final production. These perfectly fit my lyrics for each project. I recommend Eil..."
"Again Ivan has done a fantastic job with the track I sent him. I look forward to working with him more very soon! "
"Lofthill did an amazing job! Top notch vocal performance, fast delivery and easy to communicate and work with. Highly recommended!"
"Bruce is one of the best musicians around here in soundbetter. Fast, clean tracks in a incredible short turnaround time. "
"Carlton is the man! A great player who recognizes what a song needs and records his parts flawlessly. Highly recommended!"
"We love using Raf every week for our podcast - they make things so seemless and always goes above and beyond"
"Taia really nailed the project we asked her to do. Absolutely killer lyrics and just an awesome and easy person to work with ! Amazing voice too! Thanks again Taia! 10/10"
"Dom is brilliant at what he does! 10/10. Was great to work with him again. "