Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Edge (acoustic) - Veve Milah x Divy
Her biggest hit has over a million streams on Spotify. Veve Milah has collaborated with huge artists such as Vanotek and Raphael Karrell and she's been published by Spotify Spain after her song "Chilleando por Madrid" went viral.
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Recording and mixing engineer specialised in heavy metal / rock / progressive metal music. Also bass player in Sonata Arctica and Silent Voices. 15 years experience in recording business.
I try to get into the mixing business. I promise a great result for a more than fair price!
Let me make a beat for you! I can also mix and master for you. I would love to work with as many people as possible!
A bass player with the Funk. I am a trained musician and performer, well versed in all types of music, both in studio and live performance. I have done a variety of studio work ranging from Hip Hop and Pop to Country and Rock music.
Male vocal with a lot of emotional caracter. I also produce (dark)pop/edm style of music.
I'm a singer, music producer, mixing engineer and platinum awarded songwriter from the heart of Sweden. I run my own record label and publishing 'Swandive Records' and have been working as a live performing artist and a studio music producer for more than 10 years straight.
I've worked with homemade rock, pop and punk bands, getting them to sound professionally with basic tools. Currently, I work more on podcasts and video games.
Recent Successes
"Chad is an amazing engineer, who knows the craft very well along with, being a great individual and is extremely professional. i will work with him on an ongoing basis. You can't go wrong with making him as your cho..."
"Rico was a pleasure to work with, very fast and efficient. He sent me beautifully recorded cavaquinho lines in just days and was open for feedback and revision. I would highly recommend him to anybody."
"Oscar did a fantastic job working with me on my track. Highly skilled and professional. Went above and beyond my expectations. Understood my vision for the track, while also providing recommendations that I had not th..."
"Ryan is THE BEST. One of the most genuine, lovely guys I've met in the industry - and also so professional, so talented, so creative... and lightning quick!! I hope we continue working together because it always bring..."
"Andres and his team were really nice and easy to work with. They were very patient throughout the whole process. The results were great!"
"I am so glad i picked James, he mastered my track and the result are out of this world, this dude got grammy award for reason and this dude i call professor of mix and mastering engineer.....Thanks James would love to..."
"Philip Larsen is a music GENIUS!!!!!!! Always a genius every time I hire him. One week out from release day of 'Heart Revolution (Can You Feel This Moment)', and today I honestly owe Philip everything for doing so muc..."
"Thanks Baol. Your vocals have added class and professionalism to my song. Awesome voice, awesome job. Thank you."
"Darrel Nutt is a fantastic drummer and a great guy to work with. I have had him design the drums for three songs now, and the tracking he did is outstanding. He is a true professional drummer. I would recommend him to..."