Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with EDBL Music Collective
Drummers don’t always have the best reputation. It’s become my de facto mission to give them a good name again.
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With passion for music and to make great songs to be spread around the world.
Mixing, mastering engineer who has worked with artists such as Gorillaz, Inna, Sofi Tukker, Sezen Aksu, Teoman and major record labels like Sony, EMI, Roc Nation. Has a PhD on sound engineering, electronic music composition and teaches Advanced Mixing & Mastering at The New School.
I've worked with the main Brazilian artists and recorded many things for TV like The Voice (Brazil), The Four and several soundtracks. Almost everything about Acoustic guitars (steel and classical) and Electric is possible. Preference for Brazilian, Pop, Folk, Funk and Modern "beats".
Creative & forward-thinking artist with a high degree of sonic exploration, tactical and big mixes. Come to me to discuss your projects.
Professional, versatile and collaborative music producer, mix and master engineer
I will be yours music producer over 4 year of experiences, i can produce any style u want any genre u request
Prog/rock/metal stuff, with not sounding like dream theater.
I'm Topias, aka Topi, a Finland-based producer and sound designer specializing in heavy electronic genres like Drum & Bass, Bass House, and Dubstep. Here to help with mixdowns or mastering.
Recent Successes
"Alex is one of the most creative and professional providers ive come across on soundbetter, HIGHLY recommended to work with."
"Great effort, took the time to get it right! Great sound as usual "
"Matt is such a gem! Everything he does, he does with care and detail. Thank you again!"
"Most hard working sound engineer I know, always deliver quality work. Thanks again ⭐️"
"Real professional strings player! He has great skills and wonderful sense of music. He immediately grabbed what I want and made it happen. And he is also a nice communicator, all things helped me a lot! Highly rec..."
"Super talented singer whos VERY easy to work with. This is my second time working with Grant and im just as pleased this time as i was last time. If you want really good sounding vocals for your next track hit him..."
"Nate was awesome to work with! He communicates really well with his clients to make sure his performances are true to their vision. And his playing is fantastic!"
"Again, another winning performance. I have to be honest, if I hadn't found Emanuel for this project, I don't know where I'd be. A difference maker."
"It's a pleasure to work with Kyle again. He is an absolute pro, both as a musician AND in terms of navigating the challenges of remote session work. He turned around excellent tracks quickly and game me several opti..."
"Romy is a diamond in the rough. She has taken my prod to another level. The accuracy of her voice, her lyrics and her professionalism make her the perfect match for me. "