Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dylan 'N' Alice
Are you searching for mixes that have the emotion, impact, depth and clarity of your favorite records? Let's talk. heathripplinger.com
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I'm a 30 year veteran and multi award winning mix engineer in the music industry and current voting and music submission member of the GRAMMYS™. I graduated from New York University in audio engineering and music composition, I have worked at such famed studios as Electric Lady, Soundworks, NYU Studios, and my own: Quadra-Jet and Peter Jay Audio.
I strive to bring World class audio finishing to any project, ranging from music, television, film, and radio. This includes recording, editing, sound design and mixing. I pride myself on efficient and fast work flow as well as having a clear grasp on the goal of the project.
Experienced mixer and educator - founder of the The Recording Revolution.
I love working with developing artists to help them achieve their vision. Over 20M streams on songs I have worked on. New Music Friday (x2)
For as long as I've been alive my #1 passion has and will always be music and I invite you/your project to become a part of my journey. I understand that trusting me with your music, is essentially like trusting me with your child. You are not just "another session gig" for me. I will not stop until you are completely satisfied with the results.
Let me help you bring your music to life and reach it's full potential.
Mix Engineer/Producer/Guitarist.
Mixed and produced over released 95 records for indie artists since 2020 available in all digital platforms, worldwide. From R&B vocalists, Pop, Hip Hop, Soul etc... 🎻 Producer / Mixing Engineer 📍#Johannesburg
Recent Successes
"Its Awesome,bro. If u guys wanna produce EDM Songs,U should hire Klaas. He's Super Good at Mixing EDM Songs. OMG,sounds like what we want! Don't Wait,Go Hire Klaas! "
"Dope artist! High recommend working with M. if you want a hit!"
"Did his job and I am very happy with the finished product"
"Rob is fantastic to work with, got both tracks really close on the first try, and making edits was an easy experience.. Looking forward to doing more work with him soon... "
"Holly was easy to work with and delivered a beautifully sung track that required no additional tuning. She was very accommodating with the schedule- waiting for final files and turning around a great product quickly e..."
"Direckt is one of the top people I've worked with! Detail-oriented, creative, and big on collaboration - quick turnaround time. I will be a recurring customer 100%"
"Great to work with! Quality singer, quality writer, and very easy to discuss ideas and visions with. Couldn’t ask for a better experience and felt the drive from her to create a great product producing things that wer..."
"SUVI has a voice that is unique yet also quite versatile--she seems comfortable in many genres and producing her own record credible vocals. Her work ethic and communication are 5 star and I not only hope to work wit..."