Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dylan Landry
I am UDARA. I'm a young, creative audio industry expert with more than 6 years of extensive industry experience, and proper education with crowning achievements.
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GILBERT HOPE a young guitarist with thousands of followers around facebook,twitter and instagram. GILBERT HOPE is a: guitar specialist songwriter deep and low voice for any backing vocals and advertising bass player and nearly a decade of hard working in the music industry contact email: GILBERTHOPE1@GMAIL.COM
20+ years of experience performing and recording with artists such as The Crusaders, Christopher Cross and David Benoit, for movie and tv soundtracks like Old School and Baywatch and six solo albums. I enjoy finding the perfect sound whether it is vintage or modern, and crafting supportive basslines that enhance the song.
I play the Ableton (and bass)
Professional Quality for Value.
Experienced vocal editor and music producer, catering to a wide variety of genres. Works frequently in studio with American Idol Finalist, Robbie Rosen.
Hi! My name is Rachel, I'm a singer/songwriter. Pop music is my main thing but I'm heavily influenced by R&B and Alternative sounds. My Grandmother was the legendary Eartha Kitt, so here I am carrying on the fam legacy. I'd love to help you finish your song! As an independent artist, I have over half a million streams on Spotify. Let's work!
I am a highly creative songwriter/producer, looking to help artists bring their tunes to life. With over ten years of experience of music-making, I have worked on songs of all styles and genres: my fifth solo album is released this Autumn. I work with experienced professionals, but also with people finishing their first tunes - it's about the song.
creating soundscapes, building mixes
Recent Successes
"Fabrizio completed for me quickly an out of tempo interpretive piano piece that 2 other seasoned pianists couldn't recreate. He captured every nuance and detail. He was very professional and very timely with the wo..."
"Really great team to work with. The creative spin put on the track was amazing!"
"Very professional and collaborative. Will be hiring him again!"
"David did an amazing job mixing my track super happy with his work highly recommend him and defiantly going to be using him again "
"Bram is great to work with. His communication style is professional and his work ethic is awesome. I really enjoyed working with him on my masters."
"Top quality mastering and the mix coaching is essential for me now. Great team to work with. When they deliver they always exceed expectations."
"With this song we completed one more full album. I've worked with Alex in 3 metal albums for differnet projects. Alex session drums are high quality, consistent and his drums skills can cover a wide range of genres, i..."
"Corey was extremely professional and patient. He knows what he’s doing and he is 100% worth every penny. 10 outa’ 10. "
"He always keeps his ears open to my thoughts and comments and makes it even better than my expectations. He certainly brought my song to the next level. Such a pleasure working with him!"
"Was a pleasure to work with Clint. Great sounding guitar tracks. I recommend Clint. "