Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dumpweed
Working for artists like Bartees Strange, Hodera, Hit Like A Girl, and more, Doug has built a name for himself with his larger-than-life mixes.
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Melody Maker Productions is a recording studio, music production and audio post-production company located in Downtown Los Angeles. We are a multiple studio facility. Viisit http://melodymakerproductions.com/ for more information.
Mixing Tuning vocal part Melodyne correction
Hi! My name's Tom (artist name Abludo). I've been producing music for 12 years and I'm a level 2 seller on Fiverr.com, earning 100% 5 star reviews and completely satisfied customers, over several years and over 100+ projects - "the best I have worked with". I have a degree in Creative Music Technology and love to experiment and fuse genres.
Top session bass player.
I will work with you to compose and produce the music that YOU want to put out. I am happy when my client is happy!
Having recorded and performed with artists such as Mild High Club, Jimmy Borges, Futurebirds, NIKI, and many others. Garrett is able to bring fire flute, saxophone, and clarinet solos and/or original horn parts to help elevate your project to a new level.
Trap Beats, Rap Beats, Drill Beats, Techno Beats Music Producer and Beatmaker
Professional variety singer: rock and roll, pop, r&b, country, etc.
Recent Successes
"Unbelievable, the transformation that takes place when Lindsay gets a hold of a song. This time she truly outdid herself and exceeded my expectations. Thanks Lindsay, Don (Bol-Z.com)"
"Great working with Caleb! He gave me some top quality drum tracks and some really good feedback and ideas for my song. In addition to the recorded drums, he also provided me with some programed claps and stomps to giv..."
"Maria was fast and nailed the part. Excellent violinist. Definitely look forward to working with her again in the near future."
"Lindsay Vann delivered an amazing vocal performance to my song. She brought a level of spiritual authenticity that is very inspiring. Her vocal style is authentically pop and has a chest-voice to falsetto sound that i..."
"Andres greatly contributed to refining my final mix for mastering, yielding fantastic results. The two options provided for the final, mastered track were instrumental in determining the optimal presentation of this a..."
"Working with karlo is super easy and he is so good at what he does."
"Fab did a great job with sound cleanup for the interviews and the ambiance/background noise of my documentary. He was also patient with the other moving parts of the project and was always communicating. It was a plea..."