Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with dry ice studios
From performing with John Williams and the Boston POPS, to singing Tina Turner and Gwen Stefani covers with local bands, I am your "I do it all" perfect pitch-having versatile vocalist. I can sing everything from standard show-tunes, gentle Billie Eilish sounds, Mariah Carey whistle tone, jazz scat, and my personal favorite: overtone singing.
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Professional Australian singer songwriter, 17 + experience on stage and off. Specialising in house, pop, EDM, hardstyle, and deep house I have written for producers including De hofnar, Sandy Rivera, Codeblack, Cedric Zeyenne and Toneshifterz and wasted Penguinz. My indie jazz/soul voice brings a unique vibe and style to any song.
I'm a music producer with an audio/acoustics degree and currently graduating in Music . I do all sorts of work with music; recording instruments, producing tracks, composing beats, mixing, editing, tuning, etc.
Session drummer
These 2 Pilots have now brought their 10 years of musical chemistry to SoundBetter ..... Come fly SoufWest.
I'm a Vocalist, Producer and Sound Engineer for collaborations - send a message :)
I'm an eclectic instrumentalists who's worked with Unusual Demont, Alicks, A L E X, PowerPCME, and more. I love all kinds of music and that shows in my ability to adapt to different genres, from neo-classical to ambient to folk and even country and indie pop music.
freelance audio mixing engineer
I’m Vxlentine, a passionate and experienced Singer-Songwriter and Vocal Engineer with over 10 years of experience in creating music. My journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of both the creative and technical aspects of music production.
Recent Successes
"Amazing Vocalist/Songwriter!You delivers in a short period time and excellent topline and lyrics that fits 100% to the instrumental and to the vibes of the track.Its definitely a guy who you must have worked at least ..."
"Needed a Quick Solid Master - Austin bring it on! i would say the whole process was under a full working day. (sure the time difference between our countries) but holy! Austin delivers faster then pizza dudes f..."
"this guy has outdone himself yet again and I am so lucky to have had the pleasure of working with Marcello for so many years with so many successes.. you are the best! Merry Christmas my friend."
"It's very rare that I leave reviews, but this guy really deserves one. He's more than brilliant and his music is pure and fine magic. His price is literally too cheap, I hope that he will increase it or I'll probably..."
"Once again Kimera delivered above and beyond the call of duty. She's a great asset to anyone who would work with her!"
"Amazingly beautiful, I cried!!!!! Thank you Ms. Arianna Hume. "
"Fab delivers at the highest imaginable professional level. Fast, responsive and quickly understands what I'm looking for musically.I highly recommend Fab and will be back with more musical projects in the future!"
"Fast, professional, high-quality mastering. Easy to work with and the tracks sound amazing."