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Dolby Atmos & Immersive Audio in China who worked with China
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I have 6+ years experience of creating fresh cutting-edge music, having cuts with outstanding artists and really having my eye on the ball when it comes to what's current. I ensure you'll receive meticulously crafted high quality lyrics and vocals written and recorded in a professional studio.
Nadav Amir-Himmel is an awarded composer, arranger, pianist, seaboard player, music director and music educator.
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Hey, I'm AG! People say they like to work with me because I have unique sounding voice, I'm dependable, and they can hire one person (me) to do several different things, rather than hiring multiple artists. I won 1st place in musical theater duet at the California State Thespian Festival in 2005 and play several instruments. Let's get to work!
I can play any genre of music from Latin rhythms to extreme metal at 220 bpm.
Producer/sounddesigner/engineer working in the music industry for the past 5 years, taking credit in productions signed to Sony, MrSuicideSheep, Trap Nation and more.
Top Quality, Hi-Fi Productions. Also, I am available for songwriting, and for adding hip-hop vocals to your songs. I like to create and explore mash ups with various musical genres.
Recent Successes
"A pleasure as Always. Fred is the master of your master!"
"Fermin's very professional and you can tell he knows how to do business. He was very flexible with me in regards to my work, and once I listened to his mix... I could tell he knew exactly what he was doing and he was ..."
"Frederik did an amazing job on vocals for me on my song . He followed exactly to which i requested from him and delivered a great performance right on schedule. I look forward to working with him more in the future. I..."
"Scott brought me to tears with his awesome vocals for my song “Footsteps “. This is the 3rd home run Scott has sang for me ! Top shelf talent / listening skills/ recording quality & performance ! Thanks again my brot..."
"Hugo was excellent and delivered exactly what I wanted. Very professional and provided that super cool sax sound I needed!"
"Very nice lead and bgs. Works hard to give you what you ask for."
"It's always a pleasure working with Marco on each and every song. A magnificent keys/synths player. Highly recommend! "
"A brilliant arranger, and masterful producer, Steve creates stunning string parts - leaving listeners awestruck. A complete pleasure to work with. Steve continues to be my "go to" guy for almost all of my music"