Dobro in Rhode Island
Pedal steel, lap steel, and dobro, all spanning genres. Simple or fancy, let's get it done.
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'Session Guitarist' ,'Mixing & Mastering' , 'Music Producers' , 'Cover song playbacks' two songs my production team wrote, mixed and produced
I´m a passionate Musician, Music Producer and Sound Engineer from Germany! I love being part of a professional Production from start to finish and my goal is it, to give voices or instruments a personality within a perfect mix!
15 years experience in hip-hop production and beatmaking 10+ years experience as a rapper, songwriter and freestyle rapping 6 years experience as a freelance recording and mix engineer working from his own home studio
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Producer with over 10 years of experience and solid worldwide career. If you need to fit the industry standards with high quality tracks just get in touch.
Independent Music. Indie Rock. Indian Folk. Bangla Folk. Indie Pop. Electronic Music.
Recent Successes
"Great work! // Daniel - ONE MGMT"
"In 3 words: Amazing quality, very fast corrections in mix, great contact. I recommend Austin."
"I absolutely love the quality and efficiency in Rudi's work! He gave me the exact sound I was looking for and I couldn't be happier with the results! I look forward to doing more business with him in the near future!"
"Luke is super cool guy i asked him to play some live drums into my song ( kind of jazz/D&B) i had previously programmed my drums pattern to that song , but sought for something bit more sophisticated, Luke was just th..."
"Just very good musician that gets the idea immediately. I definitely recommend Dan to work with!"
"Always on time, always happy to do revisions. Great working with Raf. "
"The only guitarist we ever use on SoundBetter. The depth of talent and attention to detail is off the charts amazing. Vanja works in ANY genre at the highest levels, and will completely spoil you with his customer ser..."
"Always pleasure working with Rob! "