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Dobro in France who worked with France
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Electronic producer and mix/master engineer for 15 years, specialising in left-field electronica/hiphop, digital dub, synthetic funk and other weirdness. Experience in mixing/mastering many genres.
MTR STUDIOS on SoundBetter
I am a mixing engineer working in my studio in Miami, FL. 4X Latin Grammy Nominations and lots of songs with great artists from all around the world.
Hi! I am Rafael Freitas, a professional bass player and producer based in Nashville, TN. I do in-person and remote sessions, delivering top quality tracks in any musical style. My works include Aaron Spears, Chase Holfelder, Charles Berthoud, NIVEA, Davie504 and many other artists, producers and companies from all around the world.
If you want a competitive mix and master that stands up against artists from major labels, BHmixing is the right choice for you!
Professional mixing and mastering engineer out of Dallas.
We have a knack for dealing with a wide range of academic documents related to all the subject areas. Our experts have adequate experience and we have benefited many students over the years to achieve academic success.
Recent Successes
"Ashley is super great to work with. We got another solid hit out quickly as expected in one day. Our artist enjoyed your energy, personality, and song writing skills. We will be working with you again soon. Thank you!..."
"It’s an honor to have worked with Dakari! With his strong work ethics, it took him no more than 3 days to come up with a solid mix! Super cool, patience and easy to work with! Thanks a million Dakari! "
"Easy to work with. Very professional. I would definitely work with Thor again and recommend his services."
"A breeze working with Nate as always."
"Awesome, awesome. He got everything right the first time and did a great job. Will be working with him again immediately!"
"I've been working with Rich for a good while now. We have developed a real nice work routine, even though we work across continents. I highly appreciate him and our way of working."
"Excellent attention to detail and delivers a top quality product! I highly recommend! "
"Dan was super friendly & professional - with solid work and quick turnarounds! He was very responsive to my ideas and was very fast to deliver. Great producer. Thank you Dan :)"
"incredible job on everything, I cannot speak highly enough!"