Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Diego Lorenzini
2x Latin Grammy Awards. 2x Grammy Nominee. +1 billion streams. Effective Communication and fast turnaround. Unlimited revisions to reach the best sound possible. Mixed tracks for #1 Billboard record. and Oscar Winning Disney's Soundtrack. Credits with: Carlos Vives, Rubén Blades, Alejandro Sanz, Camilo, Fito Paez. Hit me up and let's get started!
More providers:
Ultrium Recording Studios is a recording studio designed to meet the needs of major label projects, while remaining accessible and affordable to independent artists. Professional Engineering and Production services for projects of just about any scale. Great Sound – An exceptionally well tuned live and control room.
Nate VanDeusen, with over 15 years writing and producing has gained over 40 million streams on Spotify. Based out of New York, he can provide vocals, songwriting, production, mixing and/or mastering. For my current music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/125PCXGTE6sFhvG8w0EnvU
Enthusiastic composer/mixing&mastering engineer that will work tirelessly with the client to produce work that we're both happy with.
Audio engineer who newly moved to Memphis, TN looking to record, mix, or master. I completed an apprenticeship program at Azmyth Recordings back 2015.
I like distorted bass and hard hitting kicks
Versatile rapper, Nigerian American Based Rapper
Over 15+ Million Spotify & Youtube Streams. Multi-genre & Multi-skilled expert singer/songwriter. Worked for Universal, Sony and many more. Got Supported by David Guetta.
Dream Steps is an IT Company that specializes in Graphic Design, Web Design, Web Development, Mobile Application Development, and Digital Marketing.
Recent Successes
"One thing that was clear as day when working with Arturo, is that he was dedicated to our vision, and success. He is very quick with his edits, and wouldn't rest until we as artists, were happy! Recommended!"
"This is my first experience with soundbetter. I got the pleasure to work with William on my first song. He was very easy to work with and was responsive. I am happy I wrote a song that I can enjoy for the rest of my l..."
"It's amazing working with Rose, the quality of service and musical talent is second to none and I have a tonne of work on the way."
"Joey provided spot on suggestions as well as excellent delivery! Simple and relatable lyrics and melodies definitely got what I was looking for. Thank you!"
"John has been so helpful making my song come to life , he has been patient and his talent in mixing has really made me happy with the track ! thank you John !"
"Tim is a very skilled singer. He delivered me beautiful vocals and puts in a lot of extra effort. I definitely recommend Tim as a singer!!"
"He’s insanely talented and super fast!! I cant believe how amazing the mix sounds!! I cant wait to work with him in the future!! "
"Getting horns from Mike is like opening presents on xmas when you're a kid, only every present is a winner, unlike that xmas of 88 when I should've gotten a Nintendo but got some weird golf clubs. Mike has only ever ..."