Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Devante Vaughan
I will mix & master your songs and tune your vocals.
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Ian Freitor Producer/Mixer/Engineer based @ PlayMasters studio a Manhattan style recording studio with NJ address. 3000sf. facility that offers a large live room with 3 smaller tracking rooms and a control room that designed for mixing.
Familiar worldwide by his trademark signature sound, Yossi Sassi (Warner Music France) redefines folk rock. blends East with West and Acoustic with Electric. Over 22 years as Guitarist & Producer, as well as composer/founder of "Orphaned Land". Produced O.Land albums (1991-), "Melting Clocks" (solo), Oceanic, Diana Golbi, Orin, Michael Kobrin &more
Multistylistic singer (pop, jazz, blues, soul, rock...) and Vocal Coach. Lead and Background voice. Vocal arrangements and Harmonies. Lyrics adaptations
Drummer from Turin (Italy) with over 15 years of experience. I put passion and concentration in all my projects, listening deeply to what the composer and his music ask me to give the highest quality in every job. We work to give life to your music and our passion, the most beautiful job in the world! Contact me and we will find the ideal solution!
..Vintage vibe with tasty modern flavor..Toured USA and Europe with Steven Adler, opened up for Slash, recorded with Gilby Clarke, producing with Cerise Moon
I'm an all-around musician, singer/songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist focusing on rock, funk, and pop music. Always looking to collaborate with other talented artists and make some amazing songs. Offering my skills to others starting now!
Experienced, professional and versatile. The Montreal-based Bass player & Musical-Director has played with a wide range of artists including appearances on televisions. 14+ years of touring and session experience, multi-instrumentalist and production.
I'm an audio engineer with quality experience in mixing,mastering and audio for film & tv. I have worked on over 500projects
Recent Successes
"My favorite collaborator and perfect to work with! She helped me a ton with my project and was very flexible with my schedule. Highly recommended!"
"Lydia recorded lead vocals and piano for a song of mine. Fantastic experience! She was super professional, easy to work with and communicate. Project was delivered quickly, with no revisions needed. Lydia, I am amazed..."
"Aubrey is highly professional, does a good job, I was very satisfied working with her, and I will be doing it again. And so should you, you wont be disappointed. I give her 5 Stars. "
"I worked with Chris on trumpet parts for a grand orchestral track, and I am very pleased by the result! Chris was professional, easy to communicate with, and helped with vital feedback of how we could achieve the re..."
"Excellent job, couldn’t expect something better. Express delivery done even if I was late!! "
"Stevan is a towering mixer, standing tall among his contemporaries. He has a deep understanding of psychedelia aesthetics and brings his knowledge of the development of musical styles to create an authentic, non fake..."
"Very fast response time and great vocals!"
"Another amazing project been completed with Rob. So grateful for Rob's hard work and skills "