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Detriot Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Baptiste, I have been producing music for 10 years from my homestudio in Paris. Also, I'm mixing and mastering some songs with my experience since I began in the musical universe.
I'm giving you the whole package. Versatile lead singing + BG vox / voiceover in hebrew/english, recorded with high quality gear.
Netflix, BBC and Channel 5 featured vocalist/top line writer! I have experience of writing and singing for labels, DJ's, other artists and myself under the name of Mia Milla. Harmonies are my forte!
Hey, my name is NOMMA. I'm a producer, I've been working in the music business for 5 years as a producer and as an artist myself. I have a passion for deep / house music and love making other producers' visions come to life.
Session/live Drummer
Kate's recent successes as a producer and engineer are a testament to her undeniable talent and innovative approach. Her previous releases have garnered widespread acclaim, securing covers on influential Spotify playlists like Fresh Finds and Creamy, as well as placements on New Music Friday, NMF Dance, and Apple's Chilltronics.
Hello, I'm Rodolfo, I have 4 years of experience learning electric guitar, I learned everything I know on YouTube thanks to channels and I am 21 years old, I have been working on Fiverr and freelancer as an experience as a freelancer, there are good and bad days like everything in life but I want to do what I like
Transform your ideas into captivating songs with my bespoke songwriting services, tailored to bring your musical vision to life and resonate with audiences worldwide.
Recent Successes
"Matty did a great job on the mix. He was easy to work with and made changes that I recommended with no problems. He is intuitive and will work hard for you to get the sound you want. I will certainly encourage othe..."
"It was very nice to work with Mariami. She replies very fast and delivers quality vocals. Would def work with her again!"
"The mastering was exactly what I was looking for and the final product sounds very smooth and clear! Carlo really knows what he does! I definitely can recommend him!"
"Great musician. Fast and really high end recording! wouldn't hesitate to use him again for future projects! The recording quality is outstanding! sounds so good."
"Max is fantastic! This is my second time working with him, and he is quick, a great communicator, and always adds a little something I don't expect to make every song better. Cannot recommend him enough! 10/10."
"Sean is ROCKING! Solid grooves, reliable, awesome to work with and always delivers! Definitely recommended! Always love working with Sean! "
"Perfect mix, balanced, high quality sound, impactful, and beautiful. CAN'T go wrong with Marcello!"
"This was the second time I asked a native speaker to check the lyrics, and the results were very good. thank you."