Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Density Labs
Lyrical Rapper & Versatile Hip Hop Artist, music used by the NFL, Fox Sports & more! Perfect for Sync, Custom Music Production, regularly work with brands, composers & beatmakers for new & original records
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Hello There!
Performed on both Star Search, and 'New York, NuRock'. Opening act for Zebra, Joe Lynn Turner, and Danger Danger, among others. Think Dennis De Young meets Steve Perry, with a bit of Joe Elliot thrown in. I've been recording and writing for over 30 years. Just released a new album with U.K. based band First Light. Receiving great reviews!
Avid Certified Pro Tools User & former instructor of Recording Arts at Full Sail University.
Need Your Song Mixed?
Great availability and dedication to work, for a good result!
Clean! Warm! Loud! Skilled in Hip Hop, Trap and Urban sound.
She works in the fields of sound art, videoart, sound/light installation, intervention performance in public space. Her works have been presented at: MehrLicht Music Festival in Berlin, Germany; SWR Experimental Studio „Matrix15“ in Freiburg, Germany; Beethovenfest Bonn, Germany; ZKM „next_Generation“ Festival in Karlsruhe, Germany; Performance at
Taking the rough ideas to the final destination in sync with the artist's vision excites me the most.
Recent Successes
"Really enjoyed working with The Songwriting Team. They invested a lot of time at the start of the process, asking questions and listening, to understand what I was trying to achieve. I'm very happy with the creative..."
"Gerald is a "Golden Child" mixer and master...The work he performed on my song was top-notch...I like the results so much that I've chosen to send more tracks his way for a professional and Class A job. If you want y..."
"Tyler is the real deal! Super professional and really easy to work with. Great ears!"
"Dexy,Great job. We are very satisfied of the sound on our song. We are pleased for easy and good conversation and professionalism. We will back very soon for sure. We can recommend you to anyone who want modern,profe..."
"Jessie and I worked together on a massive project that began in 2020. All challenges were overcome - successfully with lots of happiness !!! This song project was a lot of fun !!! I am very proud of this project - ..."
"This was my first time doing this and Austin was such a big help! He did an amazing job and was easy to work with. He was responsive and took the time to help with any requests I had."
"Cant recommend this guy enough , super communicative & heavily invested in his work"
"Very happy with Joe's additional production in this last project. Subtle enhancements that gave my track a new lease of life. Looking forward to the next one!"