Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dennis Kaye
I don't just produce music; I ensure it complements your profile with excellent framing, visuals, and release concepts.
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Hello! My name is Austin Hull. I am a 21 year old full time producer, songwriter, and mixing and mastering engineer. I have had experience at professional studios but I stepped away from those in order to start my own company. Now I am the sole owner and operator of Austin Hull Audio and Visual. I have had label placements with Universal.
Rent a Music Studio. Bring your own producer, artists, musicians...
UK based violinist with classical qualifications but a vast experience of playing in the folk/acoustic/pop industry.
Hi, I'm a french artist, producer and mixer, mostly unknown, I hate patch bays, but I love mixing on my disfunctunning toft audio console, using old compressors I don't really understand. I'm not into recalls either. Other than that, I'm extremely cool. Please hire me!
I don't just produce music; I ensure it complements your profile with excellent framing, visuals, and release concepts.
I've been playing guitar for 22 years and have extensive experience with live performing, recording, songwriting, mixing/mastering etc. I put my life and soul into my music, what ever the challenge. I've been in a number of metal bands, have released 2 albums and 2 EP's during that time. Collaborated with many different musicians.
Sound designer, Composer, Producer, Thereminist
I can mix all genres and I specialize in the production of Rap/Hip-Hop or R&B instrumentals.
Recent Successes
"This is the 6th song Andres has mastered for me. Thanks Andres!"
"Another teaching session with Klaas is done. He is an amazing teacher. :) Thank you!"
"This is my go to guy from now on Don is very well put together with his craft and is easy to talk to. If you ain’t going to TMR man you missing out. "
"I feel so fortunate to have come across Macau and his team through SoundBetter. Words fall short to describe how professional, dedicated, and warm they have been throughout our musical journey. Macau is top-notch in e..."
"Ryan Louder is a wonderful composer and arranger to work with. He is a consummate professional. He strived to meet every request we had of him which resulted in a track we are proud of. We would definitely work with h..."
"Working with Des has been a pleasure from the beginning to the very end. It is always quite difficult to share ideas with other people and to make yourself clear about what you are thinking about, but Des has been ver..."
"Emma is amazing and the best at what she does! I highly recommend her if you want your vocals to sound professional. I'm super happy with my results and look forward to doing more songs with Emma! "
"Working with Nate a dream as always, super happy with the result!"