Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Demian
I am a music producer, recording, mixing and mastering engineer. I love working with artists and helping them refine their musical ideas. If you are looking for a committed, creative and passionate music producer for your next project, don't hesitate to contact me! I'm excited to work with you and help you take your music to the next level."
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recording, mixing and mastering engineer, musical producer
I will do my best to bring your music to sonic perfection.
Let me help you create some awesome music! Whether you are looking for some electric or acoustic guitar, lap steel, or keys to finish off your song, I can provide the tracks you are looking for!
Professional session guitarist, contact me for recording or arranging guitar tracks. Acoustic or electric guitars, lap steel, mandolin, ukulele. I have a great collection of instruments, amp's, pedals, and digital systems.
I am a recording artist currently signed with UK based label "DeepMatter". I have acquired over 53 million streams on Spotify so far. I'm always looking to help other artists bring their songs to life, as I've done with many other local musicians, you can be the first online musician I help!
I've mixed songs that got broadcasted on radio! For relatively cheap price you'll get a good sounding mix. 6 years + of experience in mixing and mastering. Currently I'm studying sound and music production in a University in Sweden and I've finished mixing and mastering courses in Musichead school.
"With a track record of soundtrack placements with industry giants like Lionsgate and Codeblack, I bring a unique blend of experience and artistry to every project. Being an artist at heart, I have a deeper understanding of music's emotional power and the creative vision it takes to elevate your sound.
International Recorder Player based at Buenos Aires, Argentina. All types of recorders, including Paetzold and electronics.
Recent Successes
"Mark added some glitchy synth noises to one of my work-in-progress tracks. He was really professional, enthusiastic, and easy to communicate with and provided me with a few stems of different options for me to play wi..."
"It was a great surprise and a pleasure to work with Todd who literally made my old songs alive after remastering them. He is a good communicator and it was easy to work with and answered all related or less related q..."
"Great guy to work with, really fast turnaround!! Excellent melodies"
"Absolutely incredible musician and Producer with careful attention to detail."
"Another great project completed by Yoed. Highly recommended."
"Unbelievable ear for the "final 10%" of a completed project. As an audio engineer (recording, editing, mixing) of 12 years, I've developed relationships with many mastering engineers. NONE OF THEM compare to the qua..."
"Taylor is professional and someone you can rely on! 100%! Highly recommend! "
"I come to Arthur for every track I need mastered, he always does a fantastic job and gets me my track finished ASAP. Very satisfied customer"
"Amazing experience! Giacomo is talented - fast - super friendly, and a solar to reach the best for you- we had such an excellent mixing session in the live stream together - a plus you need to considerate !!👏👏"
"Magic mastering over here!"