Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Demantra
Keyboard player, Composer, Ghost-Producer, Mix & Mastering engineer with more than 15 years of experience.
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Since 2017, Carpet Booth has quickly become the destination recording studio in the greater Rochester, MN area. After working with artists and genres of all different kinds, we thought it was time to take our expertise and passion for producing top quality audio to a broader scene of artists. You make the sound, we'll make it sound great.
I’m an active recording artist, producer and songwriter under an independent label called “TIM” from Scottsdale.. originally from Orlando, Florida. I’ve been signed with a manager since March. Don’t trust my ability? Go check out my recent tracks on my profile. I specialize in pop, rap/hip-hop and house/EDM.
Grammy-Quality Mixing & Mastering Service available to all artists, producers, and beat makers!
Searching for a specific guitar part or maybe a certain type of sound and tone? I can help! I am a professional guitarist with experience playing different styles. I've tracked guitars and delivered remote production for clients all over the country. Rock/funk/pop/blues - I'm looking forward to help you create a great sounding track!
Hi! I´m Daniel Dominguez Lopez (@BrujoGram on my social media) I´m a 25 years old songwriter from Spain, I also work as a demo vocalist. I work as a songwriter since I was 18 and I start doing music when I was 11 years old. I really like to do every kind of style of music. I'm really passionate about Reggaeton, pop, trap etc.
I am a 11 Years experienced Mixing & Mastering Engineer. 2 times Radio Mirchi Award winner for Best Mixing & Mastering. I have worked in State award & National award winning projects. Mixed & Mastered over 500 songs.
California songwriter and topliner ready to help you write your next hit.
Saththia Lingan, also known as Sath Lingan is a serial entrepreneur with success in E-Commerce, automotive, and real estate. Now focused on consulting, real estate, and logistics.
Recent Successes
"So glad I came across Audiostein. He's super proficient at what he does and polite. He seeks to make sure that you're pleased with the end product and treats your song as his own. Furthermore he's able to clarify any ..."
"It was a real pleasure and a great experience for me to work with Chloe. She's very professional, work very fast with a perfect communication. Her voice is really amazing. I highly recommend working with her and I hop..."
"Alex did a great mixing job with my song. He added his creativity into it and took the to another level. He showed patience and open mindedness with my vision. Also, his offering of unlimited revisions actually helped..."
"Amazing producer/ musician. Very creative and professional "
"Dylan is an absolute pro. He nailed the sound I was going after for my record and I'm so happy with it. He breathed new life into this track and now I'm getting pumped to put it out there. 6/5 Stars!"
"Thanks once again for the great work that was done to a new EP. I am totally satisfied with the results. Gracias una vez más por el gran trabajo que se hizo a un nuevo EP. Me siento totalmente satisfecho por los re..."
"Ive left soo Many great reviews and it wont stop coming ! Honestly, I walked out of Sound Better with a new friend. Ive met a Producer who understands my sound, over delivers, and never once did I get attitude of nega..."
"Take it from someone who has put a roof over their head plus put 2 kids through college solely by making music for over 3 decades, Mason is a stud. In my opinion, when it comes to singers, 99% of the time they either ..."
"I had a pretty short and sweet gig for Frederik, only three words in fact, but those three words had to exactly match my vision for the contextual usage in my project, and Frederik managed to deliver perfectly what I ..."