Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Delights
I'm a Grammy Nominated mix engineer specialising in modern, exciting and ear-catching mixes. I work with you to make your productions sound the best they can, ensuring they fit with your style and ideas.
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Singer / Songwriter / Session Guitarist. I have over 20 years experience in the music industry and have worked with a varied if not small roster of artists. Here to help out on different projects ranging through the different styles of Rock / American / Country / Indie And Pop. Extensive knowledge of different types of songs and sounds.
I'm a Grammy Nominated mix engineer specialising in modern, exciting and ear-catching mixes. I work with you to make your productions sound the best they can, ensuring they fit with your style and ideas.
A lifetime as performer playing, producing and recording. Being part of an active musical movement in Argentina.
Creative Director & Visual Artist with more than 10 Years in transforming stories into creative digital content, which delights, inspires. We pride ourselves on always trying to create original and innovative piece of Art that people really enjoy watching.
I am here to help bring life to your song by providing professional guitar/vocal/orchestral sounds to your project. I have 12 years experience of writing, touring, performing and recording music with many bands over different genres. It would be a pleasure to work with you
Experienced, London based vocalist/topliner available for live/session work. Collaborators include Tricky, Bobby Gillespie, Rhodes, The Heavy and Mykki Blanco.
🥷🏻 Crafting new, genre-bending records and listening experiences 🎶 With credits from Jese Da, Lalo Santillan, ODR ⚡️ Unmatched creativity & precision. 🎧 Genre fusion specialist. Let's create music magic! 🌟
Recent Successes
"Does not matter the genre. Glenn can do it all - flawlessly!"
"Killian is the real deal. Blew me away! Excellent producer, composer, and mixer. Great communication. I will be using him on upcoming single releases. "
"Mike does a fantastic job, soup to nuts, on lots of tracks for me. They vary in style, tempo and feel, but he has an ability to quickly identify the vibe I am going for, and then apply his own creative touch to the tr..."
"Who.Hill is a pleasure to work with. He got the job done in a timely manner and delivered a solid performance. I highly recommend him."
"Nice person to work with and very responsive!"
"Greg was EXTREMELY helpful while mastering my track. He was very thorough with exactly what I should do to get the most out of my mixes and even made revisions for me to help zone in where I wanted to be with the song..."
"Zach laid down some killer electric guitar tracks. His ability to make the slide sing is amazing. Adds soo much life to every song. "
"Molly provided us with overall exceptional work. She tweaked the melody a bit to fit her voice - which fit the song wonderfully and added quality throughout. Her BGVs in particular were a much needed element to our so..."
"Working with Ziv is such a joy - he really tunes into the vibe I'm going for on every single track!"