Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with deeveecool
Violinist & producer blending strings with modern beats. With 20+ years of experience, I create unique music that fuses classical elegance with contemporary sounds. Whether you need string arrangements, loops, or full productions, I bring creativity and expertise to elevate any project.
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The best taste in music, the great listening experience, not the worst equipment. (Apogee Symphony 64ch, Mackie HR824& Genelec S30C monitors, Neumann, AKG mics, Gretsch USA custom and Odary Custom Shop drums e.t.c.)
Classically trained, vocally, since age 12, I am the perfect male vocalist to bring your track or demo to the next level. An active artist and songwriter in my own right, I have a vast understanding of the different genres and their coinciding vocal styles. I have been releasing music for 10+ years.
Thanks for looking but I don't use this service and I'm not sure how to delete my account. Best of luck!
Hi, i'm a french artist. I'm not really specialize in one style, for me it's the personality of a song that is the most important. That's always what i'm looking for in my work, something that can impact the audience but who is also poetic and original.
Lyricist looking for collaborations
I'm a Nashville-based multi-instrumentalist with ten years of live and recording experience. With a keen ear, attention to detail, and a strong musical sense, I will bring top quality acoustic guitar, electric guitar, dobro, and pedal steel to your project.
Hey recording artists looking for a music producer who has a unique sound and ear for real R&B I'm your guy
Delivering dynamic, breathing mixes that bring your words to life.
Recent Successes
"This was my second time working with Andres. Both times have been a 5/5 experience regarding communication, feedback and ofc final master."
"From the very start it was a pleasure to work with the talented Meccah Dawn. Communication was amazing, rap & mixing awesome and she Intuitively knew exactly what i wanted. Meccah is the sort of person you can trust w..."
"Ohad was very pro, very patient, very sympathetic, very humble... A true human really talented and simple . I really improved my mix. Thank you again !"
"Did an excellent job making my mix sound better and louder. Really good work. "
"Mark's second job for us now, and really happy with the same consistent high quality and standard. Fulfilled the brief and addressed feedback very graciously. Would recommend for jazz and pop ballad styles, in particu..."
"Scot has been so awesome to work with, he’s very reliable and patient. He’s very passionate and knowledgeable about what he does and really cares about making sure that his clients are getting the sound they want just..."
"Oscar is very professional & super talented! I provided a few notes and he delivered a perfect mix and master! Definitely will be returning for future projects :) "
"Amazing singer and really amazing to work with. Fast, responsive, perfect."
"Another amazing experience collaborating with Shelley. She continuously exceeds expectations and ALWAYS goes above and beyond with your creative works. A true musical master! Can't wait to work on another. Thank y..."