Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Deep Shoq
Our function is to help bring every client’s vision to life, facilitating creative fullfillment, and keeping a tight focus on quality control. Specializing in mastering. Primary genres: hip-hop, soul, electronic, indie, and pop.
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Here for your hip hop beats I make them to sound good to the hear.
motivated, positive, READY TO WORK
Austen Jux-Chandler is an award-winning Music Producer and Vocal Producer. Recognised with two Grammy award wins, and multiple Nominations, as well as a host of other accolades, Austen has a wealth of experience working with, and learning from some of the industry’s most influential artists, producers, and record labels.
Professional touring guitarist and MD for Danny Worsnop, and recording artist.
¡Que tal! Soy Daniel, ingeniero de audio especializado en mezcla y mastering de la Ciudad de México. Mis conocimientos técnicos y musicales me ayudan a entender cada proyecto en los cuales estoy involucrado.
I wrote, engineered and co produced a song "Killswitch" that got on Spotify editorials and has amassed over 7 million streams. Aside from that I'm a producer/songwriter that has ran an online business for the majority of my adult life. From services to credits I've been able to do music full time for the past 4 years.
I play drums on Straylings past and current albums "Wild Medicine" (Deadpan Records) with latest singles including "Velvet Covered Hills", "Shatter" and "The Great Divide". Furthermore, Co-written Hannah and the Heartbreak album "Open Heart Surgery" (All The Cats Recordings) where I also played drums, percussion and piano.
Ambient/underwater PRO. Songwriter with 100+ songs. Mixer and Producer. NYU Music essential certificate.
Recent Successes
"Levi is a very talented vocalist and delivered an excellent A+ track. The quality of his work showed great effort and passion and his output pkg was very professional and easy to incorporate. I plan on using him ag..."
"Andres again delivered with great quality. Fast response, quickly made any tweaks I wanted. Track sounds clean and full. Highly recommend."
"Dan is extremely professional, highly detailed, and tremendously skilled. We were thrilled with the outstanding mixing and mastering he recently did for us. It was an absolute pleasure working with Dan, and we can't..."
"It was great to work with him. He was super patient had many ideas and did not give up until the perfect result satisfied me. I look forward to the next collaboration. Big thx"
"Jeff did a great job. Made several revisions - comped vocals better than anyone else has for me yet. Also threw in a few production things that were maybe a tad beyond our original scope but it made it great. Will use..."
"Rob is GREAT! "
"So glad I have Brian Donohoe on my team! Check out his Treatment For My Remake Of "Send In The Clowns" by Lou Rawls. Simply excellent!"
"Out of the 3 projects I initially reached out to SoundBetter for, the project I embarked on with Simon was by far the most involved. I have never worked with another songwritter prior to him. Simon was AMAZING. He..."