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Dayton Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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King Lion Labs Owner
Multi-Platinum Award-Winning Music Producer, Songwriter, Mixing and Mastering Engineer, with productions that cumulate more than 1 billion plays/streams and sales.
My name is Eduard de Ru, I'm a country songwriter/composer from the Netherlands. I've been nominated over 20 times as a top songwriter.
I've been making my own music 14 years I write each produce rap sing basically I got a good knowledge of the idea of the sound of want to create I can adjust to understanding the sound you would like to create I could also teach you how to do it show you how to do it on your own I can continue to write song for you . And teach you how to sing them
I am a professional guitar player since more than 20 years. My focus is on Pop and Rock music (electric, acoustic and nylon guitars). I addition to that I love to play Jazz, I have a university jazz diploma (with 8 years of studying on music university Graz/Austria)
+10 years of experience writing songs for myself and other artists
7+ Years experience in Music Production and Distribution Certified in Recording, Editing and Mixing and Mastering by the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences.
I am a Producer/Songwriter/Guitarist with over 3 million streams. When it comes to creating music there isn't much I can't help you with. I've been doing this thing professionally for 10 years now. Let's get your demo, full production, or mix where you want to get it!
Recent Successes
"Stellar experience. I had a track demo with ideas that were disorganized and random- Karl did an amazing job realizing the guitar track to its full potential. Playing and tone is professional and creative! Also gave ..."
"Great working with Ziv as always. Very talented, fast and hospitable to my production needs! "
"Fantastic producer, I could be happier with our first project and I am sure I will count on Killian for a few more. Extremely talented. "
"Great guitar playing! A very skilled soloist!"
"Erik is a wizard who works incredibly fast! Easiest mixing process of all time. I typically have a lot of stems (especially synths and pads) and he was able to make everything fit without sacrificing anything! Vocals ..."