Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dayo Bello
Sony Music | Epic Records | PIAS | Abbey Road Studios | London Based Alt/Rap/R&B/Dance
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Hello there. Chromosome Studio-Professional Music Production service with 15 years in dub, rock, metal, electronic and experimental music business. Feel free to contact me
2x Latin Grammy awarded producer, published songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and mix/mastering engineer. I have a fully equipped studio in Berlin and work with most modern genres.
Skilled producer experienced in various genres. Produced music for local artists from Australia including a vocalist from "The Strides" a popular reggae band. Strong skills in reggae, dancehall, future bass, pop and an educated background. I aim to bring all genres together to create new and unique sounds that instantly appeal to new listeners.
Versatile classic rock vocalist, acoustic guitarist, blues/rock electric guitarist... strong pitch and vocal expression.... detailed guitar work.... reliable, creative, and accurate
I custom tailor the mix to fit the vibe of the song. A lot of people can get you a balanced mix, but I want to have people FEEL the song. I accomplish this through frequency manipulation, automations, and various other methods.
I have a deep passion for music. I have an excellent ear to work with music: identifying harmonies, melodies and separate each instrument when I’m listening a song. My ears can help me to use Music Production Skillls. Live Musician experience with long time events, playing more than 90 cover song in one night.
I am a professional keyboardist specialized in worship and pop music. Two decades of experience playing at multicultural churches. Ability to perform spontaneous worship live and in studio. I am meticulous in what I play and only play what is needed for that particular musical experience. I am a quick learner and always provide creativity.
Hey, I'm an Australian Pop/ Alternative and Electronic producer/Engineer looking to help as many artists as possible finish their tracks and get them ready for release
Recent Successes
"Excellent working with Liquid Studios! Fast, reliable great communication and great sounding tracks! Thanks guys! "
"Chris is a great voice and a true musician. I love to receive his deliveries as I am always curious to see his personal touch on the song. And I am always amazed! I hope to continue working with Chris..."
"When i say it was a dream-come-true kind of experience working with Lea, i am not exaggerating. Professional, creative, attentive, engaged ... and i am a perfectionist, demanding (but nice) kind of client. AND ......"
"As aways, Blue does an amazing job and really understands what I wanted! Thanks again Blue!"
"Grant went above and beyond to deliver drum tracks for my project that were even better than I could have possibly hoped. His playing perfectly captured the vibe that I was aiming for, with great time, groovy pocket f..."
"It was fun to work with Bryan at Stirring Records. We took all the time we needed to create this song together. He is professional and a very nice guy!"
"Chad has been a pleasure to work with and has been very accurate and on point of catching the detail I have been looking for in my music . And is respectful . I’m looking forward to working with him again soon . And..."
"This is the second time I've worked with Chris and it won't be the last. He's so easy to work with, diligent and compassionate. He takes time to understand what you're asking for and delivers on his promise to create ..."
"Always enjoy working with Stephen on pitching projects… Highly recommended M Miller Nashville "