Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dan Adler
My goal is to provide inspired, creative and professional drum & percussion tracks for producers & artists worldwide. Everything from drums and percussion, to distinctive loops & rhythmic textures.
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Give me your raw vocal tracks, I'll give it back to you professional sounding.
Songwriter from Norway
I will take you in a very Special world of Music.
Hello everyone!!! My Name is Peter Schanz. I am a Music Producer, Beat Maker and a Mixing and Mastering Engineer from Germany.🌎
Here to collaborate alongside creatives and their teams; bringing material from its current status, to an industry standard production.
Music is my second Breath
Professional audio engineer, sound designer and music composer with credits in Hollywood trailer music scene, tv documentaries, art installations, video games and advertising.
Hello! I'm Balikudembe George, percussionist and instrumentalist from western Uganda. I play native Ugandan instruments such as: adungu, native drums and percussion.
Recent Successes
"Rob is amazing! He is a true pro and makes your track come alive. He's organized and a great communicator with making your song sound the way you want. A pleasure to work with! "
"Wow!!! Above any expectations, my music has never sounded better thank you!!"
"I couldn't be happier about my first session with Arthur. It's a privilege and pleasure to work with someone so talented, professional, experienced, and passionate about making music and helping me get to where I want..."
"Nacor is legend status. Just when you think the sonics of your song can't improve anymore, they somehow do with Nacor. The experience was very custom tailored, which can be rare when moving into mixing and mastering. ..."
"Absolute dream to work with! Thanks Austin!"
"Great session from Eyal on an early demo. Love working with him!"
"always a fire mix!"
"Great job !"
"Brittany is super!!!Professional,quick,accurate!Very very good songwriter and singer!!!"
"Renewing my collaboration with Mariano was a great choice! In addition to being an excellent mixing engineer, he is always very friendly, helpful, willing to listen and experiment my requests. I also really apprecia..."