Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Daisy Houlder
Need me to produce, mix or master your music? I specialise in Classical and Jazz, including video game and film music. I also have experience with Indie Pop, Funk, Soul and R&B. Also a professional Live Sound Engineer, so can provide FOH audio mixing plus recording of live events, or organise and run recording sessions in and out of the studio.
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I go by Nikademo. I started making music in my Father's basement my Freshman year of High School in 2000. I rapped and made Hip-Hop beats. Today I produce, rap and engineer. I've worked with many artists. Recently I have been engineering an artist who goes by the name Knowshun and my group Known as No Problem.
Electrifying beats and heart-throbbing grooves: Step into the vanguard of Pop and House with a maestro who knows no limits!
I can bring your musical vision to life.
Music producer / Beat Maker
"An outstanding performance from an outstanding talent. He knocked it out of the park. What a voice!" - Ben Hill
I'm a keyboardist, guitarist and music producer that makes vintage soul and hip-hop tracks. I work with artists, songwriters, other musicians, and studios to provide a unique sound that draws back to the musicianship of the 60's/70's and 80's.
I'm specialized in pop / rnb music, trip-hop, hip-hop, electronic / downtempo, tech-house music.
Experimental sound make great music.
Recent Successes
"Patient, Professional and thorough. I'm a VERY detailed person and Arthur brought life to the songs. Very fast communication, easy to deal with and a great work ethic. Did fantastic job for a label artist. HIGHLY r..."
"Jeff did an incredible job on my song. Fast communication, great performance and a very kind guy! Will work again with Jeff for sure! A+++"
"Once again ! excellent to work with Tom to go through full production, all music details discussed and revised many times. He is very patience, easy to communicate and willing to help. I highly recommend Tom as music ..."
"professional and creative person with a lot of interesting ideas, I will definitely contact him again and recommend"
"Amazing mastering Job!! :) Bram is really professional..Thank you for the great job mate! Peter"
"This was my first experience working w/ Neil and I couldn't possibly be more pleased. He understood exactly what I wanted and delivered beyond my expectations. Nothing but a pleasure!"
"Perfect tonal balance, dynamics well present and very musical! without distortion and with high levels of LUFS, thanks Camilo!"
"He has a good range of screams that cover different genres and is also very skilled with layering vocals and mixing them so there is no guesswork on how it will sound in a mix. Great person to work with!"