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CT Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Recording, Mixing, & Mastering Engineer based in the deserts of Phoenix, Arizona! After working as a head engineer at Serenity West & Sound Factory Studios in Los Angles, i've taken the talents I've learned working along side some of the the biggest names in the music industry and opened up the studio doors the rest of the world.
An engineer for Atlantic Records and award-winning music producer for television. I have the ears and skills to get your music to the next level. I can mix and master Hip-hop, Pop, and EDM. Are you ready to take your music to the next level? I stay ready, let's go! :)
Performed at Carnegie Hall in February'17 Currently working on releasing covers and music production of some new material
Pop, Country and Folk Lyricist, worked professionally for 4 years.
My aim in every mix, master or production is to make sure that your dreams sound true.
I started with not much money but a million dollars worth of passion I can promise to give your music the same ❤️
Come to me to have your audio professionally produced out of some of the best studios in the Minneapolis MN area, all at an affordable price!
I am a college student looking to expand my mixing skills and work with amazing bands/artists.
Recent Successes
"Next level mixing and mastering skills. If you want your track to go that step higher, Klaas is the one you need!"
"An incredible musician. Fast work. Awesome communication! Looking forward to do business again!"
"Raf is great at explaining what they're doing, what you need to do, what you can do better to make the entire experience FLAWLESS. "
"Working together with Silke was like a vacation (for me :) How can I call it work when I had the pleasure of sitting back and listening to all the amazing vocal performances Silke delivered as agreed. Her power is of..."
"Excellent drummer. Really has the chops. I gave him a very difficult jazz tune to play and he nailed it"
"Kevin is an amazing collaborator and has an amazing ear! We've worked together a few times and will continue to work with him!"
"I've worked with mixing engineers in the past, but none have shown as much care and dedication as PJ. He’s the first engineer who delivered a mix that exceeded my expectations. The project I gave him was particularly ..."