Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Crush Bouquet
One consistent factor in my services is providing a modern, cutting edge, and experimental approach to music making.
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Berklee graduate engineer/music producer, I have been producing everyday for the last 15 years. I am originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and between beats, beach and the famous sugarloaf I have worked with many of the major labels such as Sony, Universal Music, Spinnin Records and work frequently with Sync Licensing/publishing companies.
Luc Chiasson is a multi-genre music producer hailing from Toronto, Canada. He prides himself in being an audio chameleon – offering services in recording, mixing, mastering, and songwriting. He's worked with some of the biggest up-and-coming acts in the Toronto music scene, and helps showcase local artists through https://musicscenetoronto.com
R. Dyshon (Penn) Warren is A finalist of Making the Band 4. Apollo Live Winner whose written songs for Badboy, Sony and specializes in R&B and Pop records. Has also done music on EMPIRE (TV Show) Record on Logic & Protools.
My name is Cael. I'm a producer of pop, R&B, and Hip-hop music and I'd like to focus on working with you on hip-hop oriented tracks. I'll spruce up an existing hip-hop track you have, create a full track from scratch, or simply provide you with some melodies to start with! My work has been featured on Complex, Radio Disney, and other outlets.
I'm a young Beatmaker,Rapper and Producer in Argentina. I haved worked with argentinan's rappers
My name is Chris Pierre. I'm a music producer and a composer. I'm capable of many different genres but I specialize in Hip Hop//Trap/R&B as well as Cinematic Orchestration for video games and film. Most recently I've worked with a large producer known as Taysty to get beats to artists like Caskey. I like to tell a story with every type of music.
Dynamic, versatile composer, who will enhance and complement your project.
French Christian artist : Singer, Rapper, Songwriter & Topliner. I can to make your song (for your Christian playlist, your church or any other Christian project), write your Christian song or just create your topline. My only goal is to serve Jesus !
Recent Successes
"Mike was so easy to work with. And mixed my song to complete perfection. He was quick, and responded fast, and did everything I asked of him and a lot more. "
"On point, easy to communicate with, professional and he delivered work that was better than I hoped you. Can highly recommend! "
"This is my second time working with Honey, she is just perfect in every musical sense and she made sure that i get what i want for the lowest price and the highest quality, she is definitely the best female rapper on ..."
"Seriously awesome vocals, Kelby rocked the track! Great performance, recording, delivery and communication! A total pro! "
"I really enjoyed my experience with CLUB YOKAI. This was my first time getting my music professionally mixed/ mastered. They worked so fast and made all my ideas come to reality. I learned so much during the process. ..."
"Corey is an excellent player. He's fast, professional, and right on point. Taste, tone, touch and feel. Corey has it all. If you get the chance to have Corey play on your project, do it. Thank you Corey."
"Yoad is an extremely competent mastering engienner. He is also a very nice person to work with. This will probably not be my last project with him as a mastering engineer. Thumbs up!"
"Once again, a STELLAR recording. Professional, punctual, and with precision. I am thrilled to have worked with Amit again. Can't wait for the next collaboration. He's really bringing my vision to light."
"Nicolas was a tremendous help once again with his mentorship, sharing valuable insights and solutions on both the engineering and production aspects of work-in-progress material! Looking forward to working with him ag..."
"Gekko really does it all! Every song that we tackle is always creative, different and refreshing. Can’t thank him enough for helping me evolve my sound. Would recommend him to anyone in a heartbeat! "