Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Crossly Hunter
π§ Welcome to Quest Music Production! Let's bring your music to life with an unforgettable vibe. πΆ π Professional Mixing, Mastering, and Production Services π π Capturing the Essence of Your Music π With over 1 million streams and counting, the artists I've worked with have experienced phenomenal success. Now, it's your turn to shine.
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Music is my passion. I'm educated piano player, but also play guitar, bass & drums for years. For last few years I'm in mixing. I'm not the best but I'm good enough to make your mix sound as good as you expect. I live music and give all my energy to make song better, to make song having "soul". Sometimes it's all that you need.
Collaborated with many international top artists. Licensed many of my songs to movies and commercials, reached many charts, released on major labels and have millions of streams. I like to do powerful EDM & Pop mixdowns and masters. Check out my work!
No Grammy's lol, but hey I'm new here please take a chance with me. I could be that diamond in the rough. I've played with musicians all over the world. I want to bring you a track you'll be pleased with. Here's a recent drum take on the song San Luis Obispo on Youtube. This was captured on the first pass: https://youtu.be/4X8Aa4WnKy8
Ready to amplify your sound? Our audio engineer/music producer will blend technical prowess with creative finesse, delivering tracks that resonate and inspire. Elevate your music to new heights β Choose excellence. Contact us now!
My name is Jonathan Ghost Brazilian Producer for more than 10 years and I will create something for you out of the curve that everyone is doing, if you are looking to be unique and innovative without losing the essence with professional ideas you are in the right place, trust my work and you will not regret it! My Instagram @kyneps
I can mix your song how you want! I can make it punchy, i can make it breathe, i can help you with all of your mixing problems you have. If you don't know how to mix, just text me and i would do with your song whatever you want!)
Recent Successes
"Paul is an awesome guitar player !! Very polite, serious and reagent, he got skills and takes time to give you his best by paying attention to every details. We had a lot of fun working this project together, and we a..."
"Another job well done as I know it would be. "
"Emilio is a great guitarist, with great ideas and very responsive. He has a great technique and the sound is amazing. Will definitely work again."
"He was very understanding and patient about my financial concerns. He listened and responded very quickly which assisted me in having confidence in him and his business, then he proceed his talent. Thank you"
"Jordyn was incredible! Not only is her voice amazing, but she offered an incredibly quick turnaround on this particular track. She delivered on time, and even went above and beyond, including some extra takes and ex..."
"she will be my first 'go-to' singer for any song that requires energy! simply a natural rock singer with unquestionably professionalism to make your track - more alive. ill be another repeated clients!"
"Coming through again, and again, and AGAIN! Marcello and his studio team provided the perfect musicians AND the perfect mixing and mastering to make my song shine its very brightest. It's a pretty big statement to say..."
"I just listened to the remix DJ Slava did on my music and it's really good! great talent. Besides being talented, DJ is very patient and nice to work with, I'm happy to have taken a chance with him. I'd like to contin..."
"CC was great to work with. Her voice and creativity will no doubt bring your project to life. Trust me, just do it! "