Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Crooner Ed
I'm a Manchester-based multi-instrumentalist producer. Clients have included (Oscar and Grammy winner) Carole Bayer Sager and many other valued clients with whom I have worked on diverse projects. I provide complete song production, for eg: - a fully produced instrumental/backing track - vocal production | - mixing & mastering
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Radio ready Mixes , Masters and Production www.soundcloud.com/thenamechanged
I am an ambitious Sound Engineer whose passion for Music Production runs parallel to securing successful unique sound. I mix & produce music for post-punk/new wave/shoegaze/dream pop/electro-pop, indie pop, and Electronic music. Portfolio at https://on.soundcloud.com/R1LMX
Music is our passion. We swear on analogue gear and got access to great instruments and hardware. We make your sound huge, transparent and warm.
Writing and recording drum parts is a work of creativity, concentration and sound, and I love it!
An artist manager looking for opportunities for a multi-faceted artist and producer.
Andra Day's guitarist - music director - studio owner - available for remote and in-person sessions/collaborations
Alt Rock Songwriter available to work with singers and bands
With a blend of high-end analogue and carefully curated digital, I specialise in crafting distinctive tones your listeners will fall in love with.
Recent Successes
"Always a pleasure working with Cory, he is a pro guitarist and professional."
"Extraordinary. Ben’s sound is precise, distinctive and emotional. He is a patient and competent collaborator, that is truly interested in the music - not just the job. Happy to work again with him next time. "
"Its certain Individuals out here whose spirit is special. And when that good energy transfers sonically into works of art, that's when music comes alive. This review was inspired by Stereo Mixtrumental. "
"Working with Louis at Truesound was truly a great experience. In terms of pricing, things were very reasonable and fair. My detailed descriptions (which were often quite convoluted, due to the difficulties inherent in..."
"Always a pleasure working with Andres. Have gotten a few songs mastered by him and his team now. Mix was solid but needed a bit of improvement and Andres is the type of engineer to help elevate your work and take it t..."
"J Zam was amazing to work with and delivered a high quality product in a short amount of time. Looking forward to working together again soon!"
"Brian is an incredible producer !! Quick, perceptive, so friendly to communicate with & super talented. He really understood my vision and brought it to life and I was blown away by the results ! I would highly recom..."