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Corregidora Municipality Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mostly Pop oriented. A producer and musician.
I'm a recording and mixing engineer from west-central Illinois. Been working with bands for the last decade helping turn ideas into recordings that bands and artists are proud of. I offer affordable work for bands looking to cut their first demos or are ready to elevate themselves with a full studio release. @swankymanor
Tracking, Mixing and Mastering since 1963. We understand the current state of the Business
Platinum selling record artist / producer, feature film scorer, professional drummer and keyboard player and Ableton Live guru.
Last year, my very first artist Queen Billie released her debut album and then got booked in Africa. My second artist, Shane Calvin, also headlined their own festivals (yes multiple) funded by the Chicago Park District. I will take you places! Most importantly, I will take you where YOU want to go.
I give top notch beat and also mixing
Hi, I'm Payqar Chakhoyan from Armenia. I have 12 years of experience in the sound and music industry and have recently started working online. My area of expertise includes session drum recording, steam mastering and acoustic sound recording.
Recent Successes
"Art is an extremely communicative and down-to-earth gent to work with - I was consistently pleased with his promptness and willingness to finesse the final product until it lined up perfectly with our vision. I suspe..."
"Another great job done by Jason on lead vocals. He is very talented and if you don't give him a try then you will be missing out on a great sounding vocal track. "
"I really love working with Leo, every piece of piano is thoughtful and a joy to hear, he brings my music to life. Five stars."
"Very very professional and patient. Best mixing experience on Soundbetter really. I will come back again for sure!! Thanks Chris!"
"Always perfect in everything :)"
"This Club is so great! Highly recommend! Really appreciate all they have done for me. Very fast workers and above all professional and affordable. Super unique combination for any artist who is craving to put their hi..."
"Derek was really patient with me on this track - My mix once master threw up quite a few elements for me to fix. I took me a few mixes to be able to adjust these parts and now the record sounds much better. Thank you ..."
"He is a really good, perfect and nice guy to work with! Especially, every ideas of his made my song perfect!"