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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Coop3rDrumm3r
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I Produce, Mix & Master. Have my own Home Studio and use StudioOne v3 Pro has my main program, been using it since day one. I sell beats too and work with other Artists to produce for them. I don' bind myself to a one specific genre of music, Therefore i am open to working with many different styles hence it keeps the creativeness sparking.
If you need a guitar part, male vocal or even a full production on a song you have written, look no further. I am a musician / producer with years of experience in music production, with many albums available on most streaming platforms.
Been a performing songwriter for 8 years and can write in a number of styles and genres.
Lead vocalist on the official EDM cover of 'Billie Eilish and Khalid - Lovely'.
Berklee alumni professional musician and mixing engineer. Guitar, Bass, Drum performer
Peter is a multi platinum selling musician with his band Candlebox, and has toured the world. Candlebox also opened for bands such as Living Colour, Rush and Metallica as well as selling out arenas on their own
Hello everyone! My name is Batuhan CANSIZ, and I am a passionate music producer with a 16-year journey in the world of electronic music. I specialize in creating innovative and unique melodies and rhythms across various genres, including EDM, progressive house, and hardstyle.
Award-winning composer, songwriter, producer, arranger, and multi-instrumentalist know for exceptional creative instincts and a mastery across genres. Check out my sample catalog and let’s throw paint together.
Recent Successes
"It is a great pleasure for me to work with Monty :). I will work again with Monty in the future! Thank you for this beautiful voice provided! This voice is impressive! for me it's 5 stars! it was perfect! Thank You..."
"When I was considering my options on here for a collaborator, Simon stood out to me immediately. He was brimming with ideas after hearing nothing more than voice memos and vague, unhelpful vision descriptions from me..."
"Drew's a great singer, with a cool, current sound. He turned things around super fast, and even made some revisions right away!"
"Brilliant, creative parts with a quick turnaround. Unbelievable! "
"Wow! What a fantastic experience it has been working with Anske. From the start he was super responsive and had great ideas for where he wanted to take our track. The result was terrific and we love the track so much!..."
"Absolutely amazing working with Vic. He asked me what my deadline was and stuck right to it. Always got back to me quickly and an overall joy to work with! It's the first time I noticed a huge positive impact on my so..."
"Man is a genius! I have me basically free rein with my instruments but what he returned was straight up almost what I was looking for on the first try! "
"Eleonore is a true professional. She provided a spectacular strings arrangement and played interpretively to suit the style of the music, no revisions needed. I would definitely recommend her!"
"Extremely creative and talented, a pleasure working with Chris who always comes through with some funky dope keys."