Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cold carti
I've mixed songs that got broadcasted on radio! For relatively cheap price you'll get a good sounding mix. 6 years + of experience in mixing and mastering. Currently I'm studying sound and music production in a University in Sweden and I've finished mixing and mastering courses in Musichead school.
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Cave Studio Productions, is a professional Project Studio at Athens, Greece.
I've been freelance studying audio engineering & vocal recording since 2010. I've been a songwriter for even longer in genre's ranging from R&B/Hip-Hop to Country/Rock.
Producer, songwriter, demo singer, and session musician with a studio in Manhattan. Creates studio-quality recordings in variety of genres.
Boston-based producer/engineer
Your music is already great. So, let's make it sound like it does in your head.
I have been mixing and produced the song I Want to Fly and the song was appointed as the official song for the 2008 Olympic Sailing events held in Qingdao.
Hi! I'm Nelita. I'm a singer/songwriter experienced as a topline writer, session singer and live vocal. Specialize in pop and electronic music.
Artist with 200 000+ views on YouTube
Recent Successes
"Dj Advance gets it done. He has intuition that is not easy to find in a mix engineer. He gave our song an elevated vibe and energy. He works quickly, and keeps to his given timeline which is also not easy to find. Pro..."
"Julian is a great specialist to work with. He's very responsive and responsible. He gives more than you ask aiming for the best quality possible, which shows him as a real professional."
"Another Stellar performance on this song... Alex's voice just keeps on giving me chills! Alex's is the best singer/collaborator ever!"
"Bruno is a rare gem, without a doubt, he is a talented musician, but his intuition and taste are sometimes very difficult to find. For sure I will work with Bruno pretty soon."
"Quincy is the true genius, incredible singer & writer. Quincy is the fountain of ingenuity!! Not only that he is a true genius, but he gives 100% of all he’s got for you, which reflects on the final work crystal clea..."
" 222/5000 It was great to work with Ryan, he realized exactly what the song needed, and he has immense talent, excellent voice with a lot of emotion. I am immensely satisfied with the final result. Highly recommend."