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Clarendon Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I just moved to Miami from Atlanta, Ga. with 20+ years of experience. I have worked with artists such as Outkast, Jagged Edge, Curtis Mayfield Family Trust, Doppler Studios, Zac Brown Band, DJ Caspa, DJ Treasure Fingers, Flagpole Magazine. I have written and published songs, performed and sung in sold out arenas of 60,000.00 people.
Fernando Castillo is a Recording Engineer certified by The Los Angeles Recording School. Entertainment Lawyer in Mexico. +3,000 completed orders on Fiverr and +2,000 reviews.
Fernald George, a self taught DJ, an EDM music aficionado, a free spirit and passionate artist.His music is along the groove hypnotic that is uplifting, intense, relentless, even eerie and creating suspense.To say more is insipid but to experience is everything.
Ghostlo is professionally trained duo with a wide variety of skills. Our focus is in vocals, production, mixing & mastering. Ghostlo carries classical backgrounds supporting our dynamic skills. We continue collaborating in studios with a wide variety of artists.
I am a producer, songwriter and drummer living in Singapore.
Professional and versatile bass player who's credits include ABC, Belinda Carlisle, Bruce Dickinson and William Bell offers a wealth of experience and ideas to your musical project. Remote studio mixing service also available.
My name is Danial M. Warren, I'm from Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Recent Successes
"First of all super talented! The difference between my rough mix and his mix is insane.. Listens to your needs and does revisions accordingly. Very quick and easy to talk to. Highly recommend!"
"Impeccable musicality!!! Very humble professional. "
"Working with Ian was a wonderful experience. He is very communicative, skilled, and professional, responding to all questions in a timely manner with all relevant information. In addition, he is extremely service or..."
"Brent is the best! He is so knowledgeable and aware. He knows how to bring your vision to life, and what you're saying, even when you don't have the same vocabulary or experience he does. I'm so grateful that Brent..."
"Aasis is very professional and creative with very good turnaround time. Will work with him again."
"Amazing job!"
"Theis website was clearly built by artists for artists. Sam just happens to be the best artist on here☺️ He just completed our 7th job together in the past 2 1/2 months and I can’t be happier. This last mix was a mast..."
"Fred did a great mastering work on our track. He’s fast and reliable and gives good advice. "
"Jeni was a delight to work with. She got my song tracked quick and easy. I hope to work together again soon!"