Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Clara Mann
Writer/producer with credits for Seb Wildblood, Pixx, mauv, Connie Constance, Clara Mann. Multi-instrumentalist with a focus on 'to the point' no faff production and mixing with an eclectic style of influences. A track I co-wrote and performed on is over 10 Million streams on Spotify (mauv).
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Audio Engineer and Hip Hop artist from Nashville TN. Making music and collaborating with other musicians is what I'm all about.
You've got the inspiration and ideas for something great -- let me bring your music to life!
My name is Horacio Zanotto from Buenos Aires , Argentina. I'm a freelance mixing & mastering engineer for Hip Hop, EDM & Rock Genres. Unlimited Free Revisions
Experienced topliner, songwriter and vocalist in a variety of genres (Pop, Rock, Techno, Folk, R&B) with a special affinity for indie-pop. Love writing catchy, rhymic melodies and compelling lyrics. I tend to go for a softer, breathier vocal style, but can belt up a storm if that's what you need!
Pop/ EDM producer, songwriter and Dj from amsterdam. That performed in multiple clubs nationally and internationally, and is now writing, producing and mixing tracks in his own studio.
Beautiful sound design through and through.
Over 300k Millions on streaming platforms, release in labels such as spinnin, revelead, sony, ultra.
I am your mastering engineer for every genre of music.
Recent Successes
"It's very rare that you find someone who understands your vision better than yourself. When I met Robert, honestly, I did not expect to work with someone who is just that. Someone who would well exceed all of my expec..."
"Daaaaamn i got to say it the best work we’ve seen since we started on soundbetter, There’s variations, differents vibes it’s fresh well written there sence it’s not just sentence by sentence writing! Bravo! "
"Amazing and creative work! These guys really take the time to perfect your sound and took my track to the next level. Went above and beyond my expectations and you can really tell they don't rush their work and pay at..."
"Danny and his gang are true pros. They brought all the magic to the song they played on. Great parts, tone etc. A real pleasure to have them play on this song. They really brought it to life for me. Also, Great commun..."
"Brandon is a top singer and songwriter. He is very polite and eager to implement any suggestions you give him. He delivers top processed vocals in avery short time. And his voice and feel is just bombastic. It will no..."
"Francois was a very good communicator, super professional! The mix he produced was very warm, he really brought out many of the sound qualities I was looking for. Keen to work with him again!"